Unique Holidays: January 31st, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: January 31st, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. If Charlie and I felt better, we would take part in Backward Day but that would be kind hard to do while camped out on the couch.

Backward Day– Always January 31st.

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Backward Day is a day to do everything backwards. Use your imagination, and Backward Day can be fun. Backward Day is especially popular with school aged kids.

Try writing backwards or reading backwards. Wear your shirt with the back in the front. Eat your meal, starting with dessert. Walk backwards or talk backwards. Play a board game backwards, from the finish line to the start. Are you starting to get the picture!?

This Holiday is limited only by your imagination.

History and Origin and History of Backward Day:

Sarah Nicole Miller and Megan Emily Scott created Backwards Day on January 29, 1961. They were thinking about making arts and crafts, while milking cows on the Miller family farm, when the idea struck them. Later that evening, they sat down and made the rules. The idea got out amid the community, and on January 31st, 1962, the first Backwards Day occurred. The two women were walking down the street, when they saw all the townspeople doing things backwards! 

Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day – last Monday of the month.

Image result for Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day

If you are feeling a little stressed lately.? Then, this Holiday is made for you!

It’s Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day.

Did you know Bubble Wrap was invented in 1960? As anyone who has ever come in contact with Bubble Wrap knows, bubble wrap is not just a protective wrapping for things. Bubble wrap is also a wonderful stress reliever! Just squeeze the bubbles in the Bubble wrap, and feel the stress disappear with each,

Grab a piece of bubble wrap today, and get to popping and let the stress melt away.

History and Origin of Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day:

Allegedly, a radio station in Bloomington, Indiana received a shipment of microphones wrapped in bubble wrap. While unwrapping and setting up the microphones, the sound of bubble wrap popping was inadvertently broadcast on the radio. And so, Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day was born.

Inspire Your Heart with Art Day– always January 31st.

Image result for Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

Inspire Your Heart with Art Day celebrates Art and the effect it can have on your heart. We all know art is valued and appreciated for all sorts of reasons.

Look at a piece of art and ask yourself: What is this piece of art telling me? How does it make me feel? What emotions is the art evoking (if any) within me?

A sense of love and romance is one of those feelings and emotions that a piece of artwork can awaken. Looking to create a little romance with special someone? Try setting the mood, with a piece of art.

While the title of this Holiday suggests you inspire “your” heart, we’re guessing you may use today to inspire someone else’s heart into romantic thoughts of you.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates