The January Ultimate Blog Challenge!

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our post for The January Ultimate Blog Challenge! Day 26 or January 26th. Cahn you believe this month is almost over. Because I don’t know about you but I can’t.

For today’s blog post, write about a day in the life of… YOU!

Do you have a routine that you follow? Are you completely spontaneous? Do you handle work one way and your personal life another way? What kind of meetings do you have?

Instead of sharing a day in my life because its so crazy right now that I don’t even have a schedule I follow which is bad when Homeschooling and running a business. But I do good just to get through the day and get even one thing done.

Since it is this way, I would like to ask you:

to write about a day in the life of… YOU! Do you have a routine that you follow? Are you completely spontaneous? Do you handle work one way and your personal life another way? What kind of meetings do you have?

I would like to get to know my Blogger friends better. You can either leave me a comment or leave me a link to your Blog and a post on it about you, your family or your business. If you have Pets come share them with me as well.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates