Unique Holidays: January 28th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, I would like to welcome you to our series sharing Unique Holidays: January 28th, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know if you plan on celebrating the Holiday or not.

Data Privacy Day– always on January 28th.

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In our digital and cyberspace world, data privacy is becoming an increasingly important issue. Every day seems to bring another incident of a breach in data security. Resulting in the theft of personal data affecting millions of us each and every day.

Hacking and breaking into corporate and government databases is being accomplished by young kids, cyber crooks, and foreign governments. Our privacy is also affected by companies that sell our personal contact information. That’s one way you end up on those snail mail and email mailing lists, resulting in junk mail.

Today is a Holiday for individuals and businesses large and small to make positive and effective efforts, to protect the privacy of their customers and their private personal data. It’s the perfect Holiday for companies to hold forums and meetings to identify and eliminate weaknesses in security systems.

It is also a Holiday for you to get proactive in pushing both business and government, to do more to protect private personal data and records.  

Data Privacy Day is an international effort.  Many corporations are international. And, many hackers are lurking on the internet from outside the U.S. 

History and Origin of Data Security Day:

The National CyberSecurity Alliance sponsors this Holiday. However, we are not sure if they created the Holiday. This Holiday began in 2008.

The date was chosen to commemorate the Anniversary of the 1981 signing of Convention 108, the first international treaty dealing with data privacy and data protection.

Fun at Work Day– always held on January 28th

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International Fun at Workday: Always April 1st.

Fun at Workday is a day to have fun at work for. Ideally, work should be fun. But normally, work is not intended to have fun. It’s intended to get work done. You’re a very lucky person, if you if you can get work done and have fun doing it. The lucky souls in this situation, love their job.

Unfortunately, all of us are not lucky enough to have a job that’s fun to do. If that’s you, then today are a Holiday just for you! Think of ways to make your job more fun and exciting. Look to do fun things at work today, even if it takes away from production just a wee bit.

If you do fun things today at work that is counter-productive, or takes you away from the job, make sure you get your boss’ permission first. Better still, get your boss involved.

National Kazoo Day– is always January 28th.

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It’s concert time, dust off your favorite childhood musical instrument the Kazoo. Did you know people young and old love Kazoos. National Kazoo Day celebrates the joy of this musical instrument.

Alabama Vest of Macon Georgia made the first Kazoo in the 1840’s. Actually, he conceived the Kazoo, and had Thaddeus Von Clegg, a German clockmaster make the Kazoo to his specifications. 

Commercial production of the Kazoo didn’t occur until many years later in 1912. Manufacturing was first started by Emil Sorg in Western New York. Sorg joined up with Michael McIntyre, a Buffalo tool and die maker. Production moved to Eden, NY where the factory museum remains today.

Kazoos are easy to play. Simply hum a tune into the Kazoo, and you’re an expert. Kazoos can be played solo, or in groups. Kazoo plays a great tune both ways.

What do you do on National Kazoo Day? Why, play the Kazoo, of course. A solo is quite acceptable. but playing the Kazoo with a group of friends, is more fun.

History and Origin of National Kazoo Day:

We know when the Kazoo was invented, and by whom and we know a lot about the history of the Kazoo. We do not know who started National Kazoo Day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates