Unique Holidays: January 25th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: January 25th, 2022. Which is a fun Holiday if you like playing pranks on the people in your lives. If you will excuse me, I’m off to see if Charlie wants to participate in Opposite Day. Would you like to join us?

Opposite Day– always January 25th.

Image result for Opposite Day

Opposite Day is a topsy, turvy day when everything you say, and hear are the opposite. If you say go left, you mean go right. If you say look up, it means look down. If you see your left foot, it’s really your right?

Opposite Day can be a whole lot of fun, but Opposite Day can be very confusing. This Holiday is celebrated primarily among school children. Sponge Bob Square Pants even got into the act, with an episode containing the nature of this Holiday.

History and Origin of Opposite Day:

We have yet to discover who created the Holiday for OppositeDay, or the original date of creation. In true “Opposite Day” spirit, you have to look for someone who says, “I didn’t create this Holiday”, and go from there.

References to Opposite Day date back to around 2000. However, we found casual reference to President Calvin Coolidge in the 1920’s. Is it possible that a President said one thing and meant another? 

Recent writings suggest the first Tuesday of the year but older research, points to the 25th. Meaning there may be more than one celebration of Opposite Day.

Now, I have a question for you. Did you know opposite day was mentioned in the book “Alice in Wonderland” and may originate from the storybook, written in the 1800’s.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates