The Messiest Day Of My Entire Life

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for the children’s book The Messiest Day Of My Entire Life which I received a copy of in exchange for this review.

As I looked at the cover of The Messiest Day Of My Entire Life the book took me back into the time when Charlie was little, and we would make Spaghetti for dinner and more of it ended up on the outside of Charlie than on the inside. Which I hate to admit still happens at times even though Charlie is now 14 and can cook his own Spaghetti.

Charlie and I had so much reading and imagining these things happening to use although we didn’t want to deal with a Skunk but feeding the Pigs would have been fun as long as we didn’t fall into the Pig Pen which Charlie said might have been fun as well. Boys what can I say. LOL

I love how the story allowed us to discuss not only the child’s day but how the parents handled it and what we would have done if this had happened to us. Once we finished the story, we used the Conversation Starters in the back of the boo in our Homeschool Reading Class for Creative Writing.

Charlie liked the story so much he has shared it with everyone we know letting them know they should purchase this book for all the children in your lives and don’t forget to check out the website where you can listen to other books and also join their club to keep children reading all the time.


Have you ever had a day that begins like most other days… but then all of a sudden something happens, and then another thing happens and another and another after that? And before you know it, the entire day has become a complete and total mess. Well, this story is about the messiest day of my entire life. You may be able to relate…

About the Author

Bradley T. Morris is the creator of Majik Kids, founder of Majik Media. He loves writing stories, making cool media and waking people up to remembering that life is truly awesome and magical. His passion-hobby is playing pro golf.

Consuelo Gundermann is a graphic designer who found her passion in illustrating children’s books. She loves creating silly characters and the magic worlds they live in. When she is not drawing, Consuelo goes hiking in the woods where she can share her passion for Nature with her daughter Clara.

You can listen to the books here:

Majik Kids Club

At Majik Kids, we believe kids need stories!

We also understand that too much screen time is unhealthy for children. This is why Majik Kids is committed to writing and producing the most magical audio stories and illustrated books we can. We bring the fun of story time – without the screen time!

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$1/month from your Majik Kids Club membership goes directly to our friends at Dollar Donation Club.!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates