Food Holidays: January 18th

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: January 18th, 2022. Today is National Gourmet Coffee Day which will make Charlie and David happy. As for me not so much as I like Coffee with Sugar and Cream or French Vanilla Creamer no, other flavor. How about you?

National Gourmet Coffee Day

Image result for National Gourmet Coffee Day
  1. Until the invention of vacuum-packed Coffee Tins in 1900 by Hill Bros. Coffee, almost every City or large Town in America had their own local Coffee Roasters.
  2. In East Africa and Yemen, Coffee was used in native religious ceremonies that were in competition with the Christian Church. As a result, the Ethiopian Church banned its secular consumption until the reign of Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia.
  3. Coffee Berries, which contain the Coffee Seeds, are produced by several species of small evergreen bush of the genus Coffea. The two most commonly grown are also the most highly regarded Coffea Arabica, and the “robusta” form of the hardier Coffea Canephora.
  4. An important export commodity, Coffee was the top agricultural export for twelve Countries in 2004.
  5. Preparing coffee in a French press leaves more Oils in the drink compared with Coffee prepared with a paper Coffee filter.

National Gourmet Coffee Day is celebrated on January 18th every year. While all kinds of Coffee are what dreams are made of, Gourmet Coffee is something exceptional. The quality and consistency of Gourmet Coffee are distinct from your regular cup of Joe and the secret lies in its Beans and creation.


There is no specific origin of Coffee that can be pinpointed, and Coffee’s past is shrouded in legend and theory, but one thing is certain Coffee has been around for Centuries. It is believed that the Ancestors of today’s Oromo people in Ethiopia’s Jimma region were the first to notice the Coffee Plant’s energizing power. However, there is no definitive evidence that Coffee was initially grown before the 15th Century, or even where Coffee was first cultivated.

There is evidence of either Coffee consumption or knowledge of the Coffee Tree in Yemeni Sufi Monasteries dating back to the early 16th Century, which swiftly spread to Mecca and Medina. By the 16th Century, it had spread across the Middle East, South India (Karnataka), Persia, Turkey, and Northern Africa. Coffee then expanded throughout the Balkans, Italy, Europe, and Southeast Asia. With its ability to provide instant energy, Coffee has quickly conquered areas of the world and hearts since then. A simple cup of Coffee evolved over time to suit various palates and purposes. From Frappuccino’s and cold brews to Espresso Shots and even Espresso Martinis, you can now find Coffee anywhere and everywhere.

This is how Gourmet Coffee came into being. Gourmet Coffee is made using 100% Arabica Beans. These require a cool subtropical climate at a higher altitude to thrive and provide smooth, powerful, aromatic brews that normal Beans simply cannot match. It is a must-try for Coffee enthusiasts since it is more luxurious than the typical Coffee in terms of taste, production, and intensity. National Gourmet Coffee Day is a celebration of this Caffeine.


  1. This Holidays a no-brainer. Enjoy a cup of Gourmet Coffee at your local Coffee Shop.
  2. \Treat yourself \National Gourmet Coffee Day and purchase 100% Arabica Beans instead of your regular Coffee during this week’s grocery run.
  3. From Ice Creams to Cakes, Coffee is now used for way more than just beverages. Unleash your master chef and create an innovative recipe using Gourmet Coffee.


  1. Arabica- is one of the most well-known and popular types, and they are high-quality Beans.
  2. Robusta- is the second-most popular Gourmet Coffee Beans, these have a hint of Chocolate and are best served with Milk and Sugar.
  3. Liberica is one of the most difficult types to come by these are said to have smoky, floral and fruity elements.
  4. Excel Sait’s a member of the Liberica family but it is quite distinct in taste.
  5. Bourbon- developed by French monks, has sweet Caramel undertones.


  1. There are many amazing things out there that we have yet to experience. Days like these help us learn about them and add them to our bucket list.
  2. Stepping outside of your comfort zone and sticking to your ‘usual’ can be difficult at times. National Gourmet Coffee Day is a Holiday that encourages us to switch things up a bit.
  3. Who doesn’t enjoy a cup of Coffee? Dedicating a Holiday to celebrate this magical creation is nothing short of wonderful and well deserved.

Peking Duck Day

National Peking Duck Day is celebrated every year on January 18th to recognize the National dish of China. The process of preparing Peking Duck is rooted in tradition that has been perfected over thousands of years since the Yuan Dynasty was established by Kublai Khan. Today, you don’t have to travel all the way to China to taste Peking Duck. This dish is readily available in Chinese restaurants across the world. The trademark of a well-done Peking Duck is its crispy, skin.

No one knows when the first National Peking Duck Day was celebrated or who started the Holiday, but given the popularity of this dish amongst foodies, it’s no surprise that people have unanimously continued to celebrate Peeking Duck. Despite its simple appearance, the preparation of Peking Duck is elaborate. The recipe is ancient and dates back to the Yuan Dynasty since it was established by Kublai Khan. As is true with all recipes, the preparation for Peking Duck has evolved throughout the years.

The White Beijing Duck, or Peking Duck, is the Bird that is traditionally roasted for this meal. The Duck is butchered once it is 65 days old, plucked, pumped full of air between the skin and the Meat, soaked in boiling Water, and skewered. The Duck is then hung to dry, glazed with a Sugar coating, and left for 24 hours, to achieve that perfectly crispy skin. The Bird is roasted, hanging from the center of the oven to allow the fat to drip, basting the skin as it does. After which the Peking Duck is often sliced artfully by the Chef before being served. The traditional Peking Duck meal begins with a serving of the crispy skin and a Sugar dip. Next, thin Pancakes are filled with tender Duck meat, Hoisin and Bean sauces, Cucumbers, Onions, and Garlic. Finally, the Duck Soup is usually made with the leftover bones the Neck, Wing joints, and Feet.


  1. Have a Peking Duck meal at a restaurant or make the dish yourself at home. Enjoy the feast with family and friends.
  2. To make it worthy of your palate, the dish is served with just the skin and a little Meat which is sliced in a dramatic manner before the diners. The entire process of the Peking Duck meal is quite challenging and requires a lot of patience to achieve the desired results. Visit a restaurant to appreciate the elaborateness of the Peeking Duck.
  3. It’s quite difficult to make the perfect Peking Duck at home, but you can try. Improvise the recipe with Poultry of your choice.


  1. The most populated Country on Earth China has over 1.4 billion people as of September 2020.
  2. Mandarin is not the only Chinese language there are other Chinese Languages such as Yue, Wu, Minbei, Minnan, Xiang, Gan, and Hakka.
  3. Chinese New Year celebrations last 15 days and it’s the biggest Holiday in China and is usually celebrated in January or February.
  4. China has one timezone.Despite its huge size, everybody uses the official Beijing time.
  5. The biggest travel spenders in the world the Chinese spend $260 billion every year, twice what American travelers spend.


  1. Peking Duck is so delicious they had to put aside a Holiday for us to enjoy the wonderful dish. Don’t forget to treat yourself on National Peking Duck Day.
  2. Peking Duck has a long and enviable lineage. National Peking Duck Day reminds us that we are still enjoying the very same dish that was once enjoyed by Kublai Khan!
  3. Today is a day to explore other cuisines. Why stop at Peking Duck on National Peking Duck Day? Along with this dish, don’t forget other Chinese Cuisine favorites like Wonton and Dumplings.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates