Unique Holidays: January 16th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: January 16th, 2022. Today is Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day and this is fine with me because this year I didn’t make any resolutions since I always end up breaking them. But I did choose a word of the year GROWTH. Did you choose a word of the year?

Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day– is always January 17th.

Image result for Ditch New Years Resolutions Day

If there’s a Holiday to celebrate New Year’s and to make resolutions for the upcoming year, then there should be a day to ditch those resolutions. That’s the reason for Ditch the New Year’s Resolutions.

Remember all of those resolutions you made on New Year’s Eve? How are you doing with them? If you haven’t given them all up yet, you’re doing better than most of us. Maybe, you’re well along the way to accomplishing your resolutions. Perhaps, you are one of the few, who have already checked items off your list. Good for you!

For many more of us, New Year’s resolutions are hanging heavily over our heads and they resolutions have become a burden, and perhaps were not such a good idea after all.

Of course, there’s the New Year’s resolutions that have already been broken.

 If you haven’t accomplished, broken, or given up your New Year’s resolutions, today is your chance to get out from under them.

History and Origin of Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day:

We found no information on the creator or origin of this Holiday. Most likely, the originator made a New Year’s resolution to document this day. But didn’t follow through.

Kid Inventors Day– is always January 17th.

Image result for Kid Inventors Day

Our kids are our future. We’ve heard this expression used in many ways.  It’s well known that kids have creative, minds. As a result, the youth of the world come up with a lot of good ideas and inventions. All you need to do is encourage kids and listen and see what happens. It’s only fitting that Kid Inventors Day exists to recognize kids for their past, present and future achievements and inventions. This Holiday is intended to encourage kids to dream up new inventions and pursue their ideas, by bringing new products, into existence.

Never underestimate the value of the young creative minds in world. Untethered by why “you can’t do this”, or “you can’t you do that”, these ingenious young minds conceive and create countless ideas for products, art, and a whole lot more that make our lives more fun and more enjoyable. Bring out the best in these young minds, by encouraging them to come up with ideas and explore how to make them a realty.

There are great examples of kid inventors. According to Lee Ward, the creator of this Holiday, children and teens invents over 500,000 gadgets and games every year! Perhaps the best example is Benjamin Franklin, who at the age of 12 invented Swimming Fins. As we all know, Benjamin Franklin grew up to be one of the greatest inventors in American History. With their “can do” attitude, youthful inventors and thinkers have brought countless inventions into existence. Including Earmuffs, Popsicles and Water Skis. Every parent knows full well the impact of kid’s creative thinking. We’ve all witnessed firsthand the wild and crazy concoctions kids prepare in the kitchen. More than a few of these dishes turn into huge hits.   

Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday  – celebrated on the third Monday

Born on January 15, 1929, Martin Luther King Jr. grew to become one of the greatest Social Activists the world has ever known. At 35, Martin Luther King Jr. became the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace prize. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4th, 1968, while making a speech from the balcony of his hotel room in Memphis, Tennessee.

Martin Luther King Jr. birthday became a National Holiday by an act of Congress in 1983. Many consider it a Holiday to serve your community.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates