Food Holidays: January 13th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Food Holidays: January 13th, 2022. Did you know today is National-Gluten- Free Day. I believe Charlie should be on a Gluten-Free Diet because when he eats Milk or Cheese his stomach bother him. But the doctors say Charlie isn’t Gluten-Free and they don’t understand why his stomach bothers him. But as a mom it drives me crazy seeing my child suffer. I have a question for you. Are you Gluten-Free or is someone you know? Does Milk or Cheese bother them?

National Gluten-Free Day

Image result for National Gluten-Free Day

Did you know that there is a sleuth among us? A sly protein hides in your kitchen, acting as the binding agent in many foods and beverages you consume on a daily basis. Many of us take it for granted and know nothing of its presence, while 2.5 million people in the U.S. battle against it. Can you guess what it is? Gluten a protein found in Wheat, Rye, and Barley that those with a Gluten Intolerance spend their lives avoiding. On January 13th, we observe National Gluten-Free Day alongside our Gluten-free friends!


  1. If you have a Gluten-free family member, call them up and invite them on a Gluten-free lunch date. Let them teach you about the Menu. If you’re brave, allow them to order you a Gluten-free meal. If you are the Gluten-free friend? Invite your besties out for lunch and educate them on your menu options.
  2. Try your hand at Gluten-free cooking. Find a Gluten-free recipe from the internet and prepare the dish! If you are up for a challenge? Try baking from scratch with Rice or Almond Flour.
  3. If you don’t share your creation on Social Media, it never happened, right? Post pictures of your Gluten-free meal and for all your friends to see and try. The more people understand, the more awareness we have!


  1. It’s a common misconception that those with Celiac are Allergic to Gluten.
  2. ​Those diagnosed with Celiac Disease suffer damage to the Lower Intestine if they ingest Gluten.
  3. Did you know there is no cure or prevention but following a Gluten-free diet is the way of life!
  4. ​Gluten hides everywhere including in Beer and Soy Sauce. Gluten is in far more items than the Bread products.
  5. ​Celiac which is an Autoimmune Disease which can lead to other issues, including Lactose Intolerance, Anemia, and GI Cancers.


  1. We get to clean up our diets and make our digestive system smile. While Gluten is a Protein found in many foods, it’s not necessarily healthy for our systems. People who have the Autoimmune Disorder known as Celiac Disease understand this best of all. Ingestion of Gluten leads to damage in the small Intestine. Understanding the plight of the Celiac sufferer or Gluten-intolerant friend is one of the perks of recognizing this Holiday. The more educated we are, the better we understand those that live a Gluten-free lifestyle!
  2. Have you ever tried baking with almond flour or spiralizing your own Noodles from a Vegetable? Ever sampled a Gluten-free bakery? If not, then today is the day to try these new dishes or recipes and start your own path to a Gluten-Free Diet.
  3. Donuts, Pastries, and Bread imagine having them all taken away in the blink of an eye which is what happens to people suffering from Gluten. For those with a Gluten-free lifestyle, we celebrate how the trend has spread to many restaurants now offering Gluten-free menus. For those that can indulge in copious amounts of Gluten, we are reminded to find the joy in the little things that we easily take for granted

National Peach Melba Day

It’s time to enjoy a sweet treat on National Peach Melba Day which is January 13th! Peach Melba is made and named in honor of the famous opera singer Nellie Melba. This Holiday invites everyone to try out a Peach Melba dessert. While the original recipe is a dish made from Peaches, Raspberry Sauce, and Vanilla Ice Cream, recipes change up the ingredients to suit various tastes and create different flavor combinations.


Peach Melba has graced restaurant menus for decades and is one of the most favored desserts globally. Peach Melba dish was inspired by Helen “Nellie” Porter Mitchell, an Australian who went on to become a world-famous Opera singer.

While learning under German Mezzo-Soprano Mathilde Marchesi, Mitchell was persuaded to take on a stage name — she chose ‘Nellie Melba’, with Melba derived from her hometown of Melbourne.

It was in London that Nellie Melba became acquainted with the famous French Chef Auguste Escoffier. He was, in turn, known for his imaginative dishes and luxurious meals. Many of his dishes were named after the star patrons at his restaurants.

Melba often ate at Escoffier restaurants when she performed at Covent Garden. In 1892 or 1893, depending on the source, Melba was to perform in Wagner’s opera “Lohengrin” at Covent Garden. She reportedly sent Escoffier tickets to this performance, which featured a boat in the shape of a Swan. The next evening, Escoffier presented a dessert of fresh Peaches served on a bed of Vanilla Ice Cream and Raspberry Sauce and displayed it on an Ice Sculpture of a Swan. Another version of events indicates this creation appeared at the Duke of Orléan’s dinner party, which he planned to celebrate Melba’s triumphant performance. Either way, this dish was the birth of Peach Melba.

Around eight years Escoffier made dessert at the opening of the Ritz Carlton Hotel in London, where he was head chef. Escoffier created a new version of the Peach Melba, omitting the Ice Sculpture and topping the Peaches with Raspberry Purée. He also renamed the dish Pêche Melba or Peach Melba.
At present, we might know everything about the Peach Melba, but we are still researching the origins of the day itself.

Facts About Peach Melba

  1. Peach Melba a classic dessert is a dish of Peaches served with Vanilla Ice Cream, Raspberries & Sauce.
  2. Did you know Melba toast & Peach Melba are related?
  3. Peach Melba was created to celebrate famous Opera Singer, Nellie Melba in 1892.
  4. It is said when Nellie Melba gained weight in her later career the same chef created a thin baked Toast for her diet, which was Melba toast.
  5. Other versions of the Peach Melba use Pears, Apricots, or Strawberries instead of Peaches and / or use Raspberry Sauce or Melted Red Currant Jelly instead of Raspberry Purée.


  1. Escoffier actually scoffed at some variations of the original recipe, believing that they ruined the delicate balance of its taste. Find the very first Peach Melba recipe and try your hand at preparing the recipe.
  2. If you have mastered the original Peach Melba, then you can create variations with endless combinations to find the balance you like best. Mix Ice Cream flavors, add Fruits, or switch out the Raspberry Sauce.
  3. Invite people for a Peach Melba-themed party at a restaurant that serves this dish. Ask the restaurant if it’s okay to play Melba’s music to set the vibe.


  1. Melba hesitated to try the Peach Melba because she worried that the Ice Cream in the Peach Melba would injure her Vocal Cords; the Raspberry Sauce warmed the cold ingredients, however, allowing her to eat the dish without risking her voice.
  2. As a tribute to Escoffier, a deconstructed Peach Melba was served as the last dish at the famous Spanish restaurant, El Bulli, right before it closed in 2012.
  3. Escoffier also created a dish which is a thin, low-calorie Toast for Melba to help her reduce weight which is none as Melba Toast. Amos Burton from “The Expanse” nicknames another character ‘Peaches’ as a play on that person’s alias, Melba Koh.
  4. Did you know Peaches need to be put in boiling water, then plunged immediately into Ice Water, drained, and then the skin comes off and is added to the dessert.


  1. There are many variations to the Peach Melba and additions you can include. This treat can be personalized to suit different people’s palates.
  2. Every dessert featuring Peaches is a giant win in our book. This dessert has the Peach flavor shining through in various ways.
  3. We’re re-introduced to Dame Nellie Melba, and we love hearing about this Australian Opera Singer who took the Victorian world and the early 20th Century by storm. Celebrating this Holiday is a great way to remember Nellie Melba.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates