Food Holidays: January 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series featuring Food Holidays: January 2022. I don’t know about you, but I don’t need to celebrate National Hangover Day because I didn’t even have one drink. Did you and did you have a hangover this morning?

National Hangover Day– always on January 1st.

Image result for National Hangover Day Wallpaper

It’s ingrained in our culture, to bring in the New Year with a lot of optimism, anticipation, and Alcohol. Millions of us partied last night and partied hard. For many of us, the biggest drinking night of the year, is followed by the biggest hangover of the year. For this reason, today is called National Hangover Day

Fortunately, most of us have the day off, so we can nurse our hangovers by sleeping, in. Taking Aspirin, and drinking Tomato Juice, and “a little bit of the dog that bit us”!

Normally, we think of ways to “celebrate” Holidays but for this Holiday, the goal is to just make it through the day.  

Other Names: This Holiday is also called “Bad Hangover Day”

Related Holidays: New Years Eve and Day

History and Origin of National Hangover Day:

Our research did not identify the creator of this Holiday, or when it began.

New Year’s Day– The evening of December 31st to the morning of January 1st.

Image result for New Year's Day

New Year’s Eve is when all the fun and festivities begin. We see out the old year and ring in the New Year. While it is often thought of as a time to drink and be merry, many people take today as an opportunity to eat and be merry. Drinking is not as much a part of the event as it was decades ago, if only because of tougher drunk driving laws.

New Years’ Day on the other hand, is a time to relax and enjoy the start of a bright and promising new year. A new beginning and a time to be with family. After all, you haven’t seen your mother-in-law since last year.

So, enjoy everything about New Year’s which only comes once a year.

To many Americans, the ball dropping at Times Square in New York City signals the start of the New Year in this Country. Did you know the ball was first dropped in 1908?

Did you know that a raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top?

Did you make a New Year’s resolution? Millions of people do. It’s easy to make resolutions, yet much harder to accomplish them.

As you get well into January, those unaccomplished New Year’s resolutions hang over your head. Lucky for you, there is a Ditch Your New Year’s Resolutions Day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates