Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

The Mommies Reviews

The holiday season is here, so you know what’s in store. Soon, you’ll be attending holiday parties where you’re pretty much guaranteed to eat more than you should. But it’s the holidays so it’s okay, isn’t it? Even though it’s perfectly normal to indulge during this time, the unpleasant reality is that many people go overboard and gain as much as 10 to 15 pounds between November and January. 

Come the beginning of January, it’s a mad dash to undo all the damage you did the months before. Unfortunately, losing weight is a lot harder than putting it on, so unless you want to spend countless hours at the gym, you need to find a way to enjoy your holiday goodies without gaining a ton. Even if it seems impossible, staying healthy during this time a year is possible. Here are some of the best ways to do it. And the good news is several of these suggestions are common tips for losing weight in general and might already be a part of your daily routine which means less adjusting in terms of reprogramming your brain and habits. “And the good news is several of these suggestions by Uche Mba are common tips for losing weight in general”,

Snack Wisely

When it comes to snacking, there’s a right and wrong way to go about it. As tempting as it might be, you need to steer clear of overly processed and fried food. There are plenty of healthier options you can snack on. Instead of high-calorie foods, choose fresh fruit and veggies with low-fat dip instead. They not only taste better, but you also get to eat more without feeling guilty.

Staying Active Pays Off in the Long-Run

Hanging out with family and friends may seem like the perfect excuse to skip the gym, however, now’s the time to stay active. Sticking to your regular workout routine will keep you motivated to stay in shape and avoid overeating. Since you’re putting the work in, you’ll be more inclined to not go back for seconds or thirds at the dessert table. If you do fall off the wagon and need a way to get in shape at home, you can always look into purchasing an at-home gym. 

Although effective, at-home gyms can be expensive. To pay for it, you can apply for credit or look to other methods of gaining access to funds. While healthy eating can lower life insurance premiums over time, there may be a point where you no longer need your policy and can look at a life settlement. Selling your life insurance to a third-party can free up enough money to purchase the equipment and invest the rest into your savings or retirement account. If you’re not sure how it works, there is an online guide to help get you started.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Calories from alcohol can add up so fast that even if you watch what you’re eating, you can still pack on the pounds. The best way to avoid this is by avoiding alcoholic beverages altogether. However, if you do choose to indulge, you need to limit your intake. Limit yourself to only one or two beverages and make sure you choose a light beer or wine. Mixed drinks are loaded with sugar and can contain as many calories as a full meal.

Practice Portion Control

Weight gain can happen when you least expect it. Even though you may be eating right and exercising regularly, you need to watch how much you’re eating. Eating more than the recommended amount can undo all the progress you made. If you’re slimming down right before the holidays, you need to manage how much you’re eating with each meal. This is why it’s important for you to review the nutritional charts on any boxed or canned food you consume. You should double check the serving size as well. The serving is usually far less than you choose to consume.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates