Rod & Staff Curriculum

The Mommies Reviews

Guest Post: Courtesy of Dayna Ault

I’m telling my age here but do you remember the Sears or Montgomery Wards Catalog we would get which we would use to pick out the Gifts we would like for Christmas as we prepared our letter to Santa? Well now we can do the same when choosing what books to use in our School Room. Rod & Staff doesn’t have a online presence but a Catalog. So lets show our children what we did before Computers and Phones.

Rod & Staff Curriculum Was My Pick! by Dayna Ault 

Homeschooling my eight active offspring was, as you can imagine, overwhelming at times. After trying to “learn new tricks” to teach to my children’s learning styles, I soon realized the curriculum needed to fit my teaching style, for it to be successful in our home-style classroom.  

My “perfect” curriculum needed be: 

1. Easy to teach 

2. Adaptable to the home environment 

3. Easy for my kids to understand 

4. Simple to grade 

5. Cost effective  

6. In agreement with our theology 

For us, the curriculum from Rod & Staff (R & S) Publishers, fit the bill. Here is why:

 • Preschool curriculum is intended for home instruction.  

• Graded materials are written with the classroom in mind, but by doing the odd- or even numbered exercises, lessons fit well into our school day.  

• Our local used bookstore often carried the books, and all but the workbooks (for earlier grades) could be reused.  

• I preferred these reusable text books over curriculums which were completely consumable, yet just as expensive. 

Theologically, R & S materials reflect the Anabaptist viewpoint, with emphasis on obedience to  the Scripture and non-resistance to war. This was preferable to us, over curriculums which  seemed to teach a politically-based doctrine, or a secular world-view. 

R & S also provides a large selection of extra-curricular reading material for every age-group. I loved purchasing these for my children, as they were scripturally sound and didn’t require pre reading. I knew they would not teach bullying, unkindness or disobedience to parents or God. Because of their high standards, I chose R & S to publish my first children’s book, Benjamin’s  Coin Purse (by Dayna Hamp) for ages 4-8.  

R & S does not have an online presence, but you can request a catalog by calling (606)522-4348. It is worth the extra effort to learn more about this little-known Christian publisher. 417-209-0103

Bio: Dayna (Hamp) Ault

The mother of eight and grandmother to 14. She has been writing  for publication since in her teens, for both magazine and newspaper. Her first book,  Benjamin’s Coin Purse was published in 2001 by Rod & Staff Publishers, Crocket,  Kentucky. She wrote, edited and published the Missouri Autism Report magazine from  2010-2017. After serving several years as a City Alderwoman, she is now writing full time again, working on a middle grade biography, a first-hand account of Jim Crow and  the Civil Rights Movement, through the eyes of a man who was raised in the Deep  South as a sharecropper, and marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (publication  TBA).  

Dayna lives in Fair Grove, Missouri with her husband, Dayton, last son Nick, a high maintenance American Eskimo and a very needy gray cat. You can find Dayna online at or on FB at 417-209-0103

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates