Christmas Gift Guide 2021: Books for Children

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for the children’s book I Speak Peace published by Kate Carrol. Illustrated by Rainer M. Osinger which I received in exchange for a spot in our Christmas Gift Guide 2021: Books for Children.

I Speak Peace – by Kate Carroll (Paperback)

I Speak Peace - by  Kate Carroll (Paperback) - image 1 of 2

This morning Charlie’s best friend Bradley came over to spend time with us. Then my sister texted. I could tell she was upset. I asked Debbie if she wanted to come over. Even though I needed to work. I had plans for the day. I didn’t take GODS plans into consideration and SUNDAY ARE FAMILY DAY, I just knew I needed to work. But I put it all aside and brought family back into Sunday and spent the day with my sister and Bradely.

Which was fine. Debbie and Bradley needed a safe place just to come sit and chill. I took everyone to lunch. were we sat outside the restaurant and just talked. No, harsh words were used. Only kindness was spoken. It was a PEACEFUL day. Just what Charlie and I needed.

I sat down to work once everyone went home. I picked up I Speak Peace. I asked Charlie to read the book to me. Charlie begin to read the story I could see we had been practicing PEACE all day. Which was why we were supposed to read I Speak Peace this evening. As we finished the book Charlie said he can’t wait to share the story with his dad to remind David to always speak PEACE. Even though it can be hard at times.

With Covid on the rise we’ve been stressing out and raising our voices more with each other. Its time to stop and think before we speak. Inside the book is song Charlie and I will be learning in our Homeschool Music Class. As well as a pledge to fill out in the back of the book to always remind us to speak PEACE. Charlie even said we should the PLEDGE with our friends and family and I agree.


I Speak Peace is a heartwarming children’s book that teaches children how to speak peace with their words, their actions, and their feelings. It is about respecting everyone’s differences and living together peacefully. This book teaches children that even though we may be different, we can still all speak one language…peace.

I Speak Peace brings a powerful message of respect, kindness, mindfulness, empathy, and peace that all children should hear. A peacemaker’s pledge and a song are also included in the book.

About Kate Carroll

An image posted by the author.

Kate Carroll resides in Massachusetts. She has been a first grade teacher for eleven years and has a master’s degree in education. She has a passion for working with children and teaching kindness and peace in her classroom. She strongly believes that with patience, love, and by teaching peace that we can make this a more peaceful world one child at a time. This is Kate’s first published book.

For more information on Kate and speaking peace, please visit her website at

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates