Tips To Choose The Best Quality Baby Quilt Fabric For Comfortable Sleep

The Mommies Reviews

Tips To Choose The Best Quality Baby Quilt Fabric For Comfortable Sleep

A baby sleeping in a crib

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Comfort and safety are two of the main things that new parents focus on while buying any material for their children. These wrap them in a protection cocoon during their sleeping period. The soft and breathable fabric feels relaxing against their sensitive skin and your child would sleep cozily throughout the night. You have to look at various factors while deciding on one choice for the baby quilt fabric color and design. 

Points To Note When You Buy Quilt Fabric For Your Baby

In terms of selecting the fabric specifically, you have to consider multiple points to make the right choice. Here are some of them. 

  • Quilt Pattern 

One of the main things you should consider is the pattern of the quilt. For example, a double gauze fabric would not sit well with all pattern types. Go for larger pieces or strips and avoid tiny block patterns. Other notable patterns for double gauze baby quilt fabric are bay-side, maypole, free squared, fishing net, and reflection designs. 

  • Finishing Steps 

For high-quality fabric for quilts, the manufacturers run them through a multi-step finishing sequence. This is useful for setting the fabric dye and softening the fabric texture. Bad quality or mediocre quality fabric types do not complete the full finishing process. These types of baby quilt fabric bleed color fade under sun exposure and the cloth can easily wrinkle. 

  • Thread Count 

Another important factor you should check is the thread count. Opt for options that have a 68+ thread count. The best stores and craft companies offer high-count fabric in their quilts, which makes them last longer and have low shrinkage. Not all shops are aware of this point as they are not experts in baby fabrics.

  • Provider Quality 

While shopping for a baby quilt fabric, you should carefully check out the company that is offering the products as well. While small-scale stores would provide varieties to their customers, the top-notch companies focus on better fabric types. Read through their website and concentrate on the reviews from past customers. Besides, check the material specifications for the fabric you are interested in before settling on one choice

  • Loose Quilts 

You can opt for quilts with double gauze as well as wool batting fabric for the right amount of puffiness. These are simple options and feel soft against the skin instead of thready. 

  • Fabric Quantity 

While selecting the baby quilt fabric for your child, do not invest in a lot of fabric in one go. To create the blocks in the quilt, most people need small fat quarters. So, buy the background fabric in a 2-3-yard quantity and get additional elements separately. 

  • Fabric Color 

The color of the fabric is another important point to focus on. During the quilt-making process, the manufacturers create one block at one time. Various top-level quilt-making companies provide variety when it comes to their colors, like contrasting or monochromatic hues. For a baby quilt fabric, the latter is more appropriate especially if your child is very young. While choosing the fabric hue, you can opt for mismatched color palettes as well. 

Some of the best options you can try out here are text fabrics. Here, the star designs are monochromatic with a light background. Keep in mind to choose a quilt that has contrasting and bright designs in the featured positions. Consider the specifications of the fabric before buying one to ensure the best quality product at the end. Check the thread count and color while also considering the fabric variety and smoothness. Make your fabric choice based on your main priority points in the quilt design and after studying the provider.