Unique Holidays: November 9th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: November 9th, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie and I think we will celebrate Young Readers Day would you like to join us in our celebration?

Chaos Never Dies Day – you’ve got that right– Always November 9

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Chaos Never Dies Day recognizes the turmoil in everyday life. Are things a little crazy at home or is school a little on the wild side? Is your work place hectic?

Just when things seem to calm down at work and home, along comes something to disrupt your life. Yes, disorder is everywhere. Hectic schedules, changes to plans, unexpected tasks and chores, the list goes on and on.

Today is designed for you and its a day to recognize the chaos in your life. You can best celebrate this Holiday, by recognizing that chaos never dies. Rather chaos is a way of life. You can partake in this Holiday, by putting just a little order back into your life and you can start, by picking one thing that is disrupting your life, and change it.

If you think your life is chaotic today, just wait until Holiday Season arrives.

History and Origin of Chaos Never Dies Day:

This Holiday is well recognized on Internet calendar and Ecard sites but online and offline, we found no documentation about the creation of this Holiday. Most likely, the creator’s life was so chaotic, that he failed to document it.

We do suspect that this Holiday was established shortly after the U.S. General Election, to remind us that chaos, in particular political chaos, never dies.

World Freedom Day– Always November 9th

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World Freedom Day is a U.S. federal observance, marking the fall of the Berlin Wall which was known as the “Iron Curtain”. This Holiday also commemorates the end of communism in Eastern and Central Europe. The Berlin Wall was very much a symbol of communism and the lack of basic freedoms. The Berlin Wall separated Communist East Berlin from West Berlin, keeping family and friends apart from each other in their own city!

In the late 1980’s, Communism was weakening in Europe and the communist grip on many Countries was slowly failing, and democracy was returning to several eastern European Countries. In 1989, after and weeks and months of unrest, the communist government of East Germany relented. On November 8th, 1989 they announced that East German citizens could freely visit West Berlin and West Germany, throwing open the Berlin Wall. People responded with a victory celebration at the Berlin Wall. Many people chipped away pieces of the wall as souvenirs when demolition of the wall began in December, 1989 and was completed in 1990.

As Americans, we seldom take the time to consider what freedom is, or to appreciate that we live in a Country where we are indeed free. Unlike millions of people in many other Countries, we tend to take freedom for granted. Communist Countries and dictatorial regimes all repress the most basic freedoms. Can you imagine the thought of speaking your mind in any way against one of these forms of Governments which can have dire and even fatal consequences.

We encourage people around the World to celebrate freedom on this day and take a few moments to reflect upon and appreciate the freedoms that you have. Importantly, reflect upon those people in our History, who fought and gave their lives for the freedoms we have.

Origin of World Freedom Day:

In 2001, President George W. Bush proclaimed November 9th to be World Freedom Day and President Barak Obama repeated this proclamation in 2016. In 2017, President Donald Trump also declared November 9th to be  World Freedom

Young Readers Day second Tuesday of month

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Young Readers Day is today and we all know reading opens up a lifetime of knowledge, information, success, and happiness.

According to the creators of this Holiday, it is a special day to recognize the benefits of reading.”

Grade schools around the Country take advantage of this Holiday, to promote the importance of reading. Use today to encourage our youth to learn to read, and open the door to knowledge.

Origin of Young Readers Day:

Young Readers Day was co-founded in 1989 by Pizza Hut and the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress.

While this is referred to by some as a “National” day, we did not find any presidential proclamation or act of congress.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates