Unique Holidays: October 1st, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? I wanted to bring you our series celebrating Unique Holidays: October 1st, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. David says he will celebrate International Coffee Day with a Cup of Coffee. Which Charlie and I are going to pass on. Would you like to join David in a cup of Coffee?

International Coffee Day

Image result for International Coffee Day

Coffee Day and National Coffee Day – up until now, dates have varied widely across dozens or more Countries but now International Coffee Day replaces these events.

Today is International Coffee Day a Holiday which celebrates one of the world’s favorite hot beverages, Coffee is enjoyed and celebrated around the world. Call it what you like: Coffee, Java, Cup of Joe, or any of dozens of names. Billions of people around the world drink billions of cups of Coffee on a daily basis.

Are you one of those that can’t wake up and be alert without your fist cup of Coffee? You’re not alone. It is estimated that 88.8 gallons of Coffee is consumed annually per capita. This author suspect he consumes a whole lot more Coffee than average. How about you!?

Did You Know? On a per capita consumption basis, you may be surprised to know the U.S. is not the top Coffee drinking Country, and before you ask no, we are not even close. Depending upon what survey you read, the U.S. ranks between 22 -25. The top coffee consuming country? Finland.

Origin of International Coffee Day – Eliminating the Confusion

At a meeting on March 3-7, 2014, the International Coffee Organization (ICO) created International Coffee Day, and established October 1 as the date to celebrate Coffee around the world. The first International Coffee Day was held on October 1, 2015. This Holiday allows people and Countries around the world to celebrate Coffee on the same day.

Coffee Day versus National Coffee Day versus International Coffee Day

Prior to 2015, Countries celebrated Coffee Day, or National Day on widely varying dates. The U.S for example, celebrated National Coffee Day on September 29, while Brazil held their National Coffee Day on May 24. The creation of International Coffee Day, replaces the myriad of “Coffee” days, People and Countries around the world can now celebrate together, and savor this great beverage on the same day. There are now 77 Countries around the world celebrating International Coffee Day on October 1.

Coffee Day Origin

The roots of Coffee Day varies by Country. National Coffee Day was first mentioned in the U.S. in 2009, announcing the New Orleans Coffee Festival. Japan held a Coffee Day event in 1983. Even China, Tea lovers that they are, have a Coffee Day celebration that began in 1997.

The Purpose of International Coffee Day

There are a number of reasons to celebrate this Holiday including:

  • To enjoy a cup of Coffee
  • To celebrate Coffee
  • To promote awareness of the economic importance of the Coffee crop
  • To raise awareness of the plight of Coffee growers.

International Day for the Elderly

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International Day for the Elderly is dedicated to honor, respect and care for the world’s elderly. Remember, someday you hope to be included among this group!

In 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1st as the International Day for the Elderly, known as the “International Day for Older Persons”. This Holiday is the result of the UN World Assembly on Aging which was formed in 1982 to explore and tend to the needs of the elderly in the world.

According to the United Nations, “one of every 10 persons is now 60 years or older and by the year 2050, one of five will be 60 years or older; by 2150, it will be one of three persons”.

Looking for a new tradition for this Holiday anything you do to help, or support the elderly , is a great idea!

National Homemade Cookies Day

Image result for National Homemade Cookies Day

Let’s bake a lot of homemade cookies today, because its Homemade Cookies Day. Baking any kind of cookie will do. Put on your apron and get baking and the more cookies you make, the better. You get extra points, if you are a mom. That’s because everybody knows that mom makes the best cookies!

What qualifies as “Homemade”: Making cookies from scratch is certainly homemade. And, it’s the best way to celebrate this Holiday. Although, if you use a box mix, it still qualifies as homemade. There is some disagreement, as to whether using  pre-packaged store bought cookie dough, where you slice the cookies and then bake them, is considered homemade. We will let you make that call.

It is okay to bake the cookies the night before this holiday….only if you bring them to work or a party on this holiday.

There are a lot of special Holidays celebrating cookies, most notably:

Some Delicious Cookie Recipes to Try:

Apple Oatmeal Cookies

Grandma’s Pumpkin Cookies

Original Nestle’s Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies

Pumpkin Rollout Cookies

Sugar Cookies

World Smile Day first Friday of month

Image result for World Smile Day first Friday of month

World Smile Day celebrates the ever popular yellow smiley and offers us an opportunity to do an act of kindness. According to the World Smile Day website, a proclamation of this day was made by the U.S. Congress. Now that should put a smiley on your face.

The smiley face became so popular, that the U.S. Post Office issued a stamp with the smiley face.

The intent of World Smile Day is to do an act of kindness, or help one person to smile. Why not do both!?

The yellow smiley stands brightly smiling upon this day, offering it’s stamp of approval.

About the Smiley Face:

Harvey Ball, a commercial artist from Worcester, Massachusetts created the smiley face in 1963. The State Mutual Life Assurance Company hired Harvey as a free lance artist to create a smiley face for use in improving company morale. From there, the bright and cheerful smiley grew in popularity. It’s popularity grew slowly at first. Then, it exploded in the 1970’s. Ultimately, the smiley became wildly popular.

There is some controversy over the smiley’s creation. French entrepreneur named Franklin Loufrani claimed to have invented it in 1968. In 1971 he patented it in 80 countries.

Also see Smile Power Day

History and Origin of World Smile Day:

Harvey Ball of Worcester Ma. created World Smile Day. Concerned about over commercialization of his smiley, he felt one day a year should be dedicated to smiling and doing acts of kindness.

The first World Smiley Day celebration was on October 1, 1999. It is unclear why the date of the celebration was moved.

World Vegetarian Day

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World Vegetarian Day encourages us all to eat our Vegetables and Fruits. Countless studies have proven that a diet filled with Fruits and Vegetables is good for our health. Vegetarians, have taken this path either for their health, or from a conviction that they should not eat, and therefore, kill animals.

A Vegetarian, by definition, eats no Meat and includes Fish and forms of Seafood. Bottom line is, a Vegetarian eats no Animal. Their diet consists of Plants…. Fruits and Vegetables. They are ethically and morally opposed to killing Animals for food. Vegetarian are also against poor treatment of Animals at farms and slaughterhouses.

There are plenty of groups and organizations that support the Vegetarian effort and if your considering becoming a Vegetarian, a web search, should produce a group near you. While you are online, check out the wide range of sites offering Vegetarian recipes.  

This Holiday is used to promote awareness of the issues, and encourages others to become Vegetarians. Seeing as Fruits and Vegetables are very healthy for you, World Vegetarian Day is a good day to try a Vegetarian diet. You might just be surprised at how good being a Vegetarian taste.

History and Origin of World Vegetarian Day:

World Vegetarian Day was first observed in 1977

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates