Motivational Quote Sunday

The Mommies Reviews

Last night I thought I would do something different I asked people on Facebook to share there favorite quotes and here is what they shared with me.

May be an image of one or more people, sky and text

Life has been driving me up a wall and little things had been bothering me. I wanted to remind everyone to stop overthinking things.

Christine Eiland-Torrence shared:


Which is very true and without the Lord I couldn’t anything.

Debbie Finney Sutton

Shared: Today is a good day, to have a good day!

I have this on a shirt and also as a plaque in my office to remind myself it is okay to have a good day. Which you should do as well.

Sonya Enslow Caudle shared the quotes below with us. Take a look and let me know which one you like the most and why.

May be an image of flower and text that says 'We forget that waking up each day is the first thing we should be grateful for. Unknown POSTTIVE'

I’m so glad Sonya took the time to remind us of this because I don’t know about you but I do forget this at times.

May be an image of text that says 'broken ECCLESIASTES 4:12 family ALITTLE BIT OF CRAZY A LITTLE BIT OF LOUD & A WHOLE LOT Love OF'

I’m telling you this fits my family to a T and I would like to have it to hang over my Fireplace. Do you know someone this sign fits as well?

May be an image of drink, African daisy and text that says 'The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude heatherstillufsen2 2014'

This is something I should have Tattooed onto both David and Charlie’s arms to look at daily. I am sure if you were to ask them they would say mine as well.

May be an image of text that says 'Currently running on: Christ, Coffee, & Chaos. That Farn Charn'

This is something I do daily only I run on Sweet Tea more than Coffee but at times I like to have a cup of Coffee or two. Although, now what people don’t know and would be surprised to learn is water is what I run on more than anything.

Especially when I was growing up because I hated water and thanks to the Show Gimmie A Break with Neil Carter. Samantha said Fish do nasty things in water I vowed never to drink water.

May be an image of text that says 'But they that wait upon d shall Tenew their streugth; they shall mount up winqs as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, not faint. Isaiah 40:51'

I didn’t remember hearing the Verse above but once I read the verse I knew it would be something I wouldn’t forget.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates