Ultimate Blog Challenge: August 16th, 2021

Good morning, how are you? I wanted to share my post for the Ultimate Blog Challenge: August 16th, 2021. Before my niece and nephew arrives this morning.

Why on why do I try and work from home when people don’t respect my boundaries and want me to work around them. I don’t expect them to put there job on hold so Charlie and I can come and visit.

Why would you expect me to put Charlie’s school on hold and my work? Before you say you could say no, they can’t cover over it is true but there parents hardly ever let us see them.

When they have the opportunity to see Charlie I try and let them because the next time they ask there parents might say no, and that upsets not only Charlie but Lily and Jason and that isn’t fair to them.

This morning we were to Share a song lyric or the phrase you live by with your community.

Here is mine:

I Think I Can….I Think I Can | Once Upon the Wings of a Dragonfly
Believe in Yourself

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates