Homeschool Lesson Ideas for June, 2021

Welcome to June. Is your children still in school or are they out for the Summer? Technically Charlie is out but I still try and get Charlie to do at least one lesson a day and to read for at least 30 minutes a day.

As I was putting together the Lesson Ideas for June, 2021 I thought you might want to take a look at what we will be studying this month.

If you have additional Homeschool resources that go with these lessons leave me a comment. Charlie and I will get them added as soon as possible.

June 3 – World Bicycle Day– Lets learn about Bikes.

June 6 – Allied Forces Land on Normandy Beaches (1944) for this Unit Charlie will also be researching Normandy Beach and creating a Art project of the Lakes and what they looked like.

June 10 – Benjamin Franklin Conducts Kite Experiment (1752) in this unit you will learn about Benjamin Franklin and then if you would like to learn more about a Electrical Charge check out this lesson plan for Science.

June 14 – Flag Day- Learn about the Flag and then check out this unit sharing Betsy Ross and other influential women from History

June 16 – Roller Coaster Makes Debut in America (1884)– Come learn about law of gravity in our Gravity Unit and check out when Rollar Coasters were created.

Then in Art Class have your children create a Roller Coaster out of anything there hearts desire.

If your family is brave enough visit a Amusement Park and ride all the Roller Coaster you see and as many times as you like. Before you ask if my family will be doing this no.

David and Charlie don’t like Roller Coasters but if Suzzie was here you can bet your bottom dollar she and I would be at Six Flags riding all the rides over and over. The more scary and the faster they go the more fun we would have.

June 19th – Juneteenth– is celebrated to commemorate the end of slavery in Texas. Check out this Unit to commemorate the end of slavery in Texas

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates