Unique Holidays: April 17th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to National Pat Rack Day. I never thought I would become a Horder after seeing everything my grandmother kept and my Uncle Chucks home but let me tell you that is what I am becoming.

It’s time to stop I am proud of what I do on the blog and I am grateful for everything I receive but I can not keep it all and there is people that can use the products we get.

There is no, reason to have two bedrooms full of stuff and a shelf in the kitchen along with a Storage Building. If I were to die today I wouldn’t want people to have to get rid of everything.

Today I make this Pledge to go through two totes a day and donate things to people that can use them. If I can’t see myself using the products in the next month then they need to go.

Pack Rat Day

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Were calling all hoarders today because today was created expressly for you. Come out from hiding under your piles of precious belongings, and take a minute to celebrate and be recognized.

Today is Pack Rat Day. C’mon, admit it… .. you’re a Pack Rat. a hoarder like the rest of us. If your a Pack Rat, then you’re in good company. Many of us are hoarders, and some of us don’t even realize it.

We hoard our belongings, well past their useful life, for any one (or two )of a number of reasons. It’s that favorite swearer, that has seen to many winters, or is lost in the back of the closet.

It’s that second toaster oven… ‘ya never know when the new one might break. What about the old vinyl record collection? You know, someday they have antique value. You can’t get rid of them!  

Its really easy to let things pile up. After all, each item you acquire along the road of life may have value or serve some meaningful purpose. ‘Ya just never know.

Making the decision to discard something of even remotely questionable value, is difficult, if not impossible to do. We understand you perfectly. Why? Because most of us are pack rats.

In keeping with the intent of Pack Rat Day, here are some Do’s and Don’ts:

  • Don’t clean your room, basement, garage or any other area today.
  • Don’t discard anything today…It may be valuable.
  • Don’t even empty the trash today because you might accidentally thrown out something useful.
  • Do keep an eye out for useful stuff being discarded by others.
  • Do go to garage and rummage sales because they can be pack rat gold mines.
  • Do look around your belongings and be thankful for what you have.
  • Do spend time thinking of uses for your things. Justification for saving is satisfying.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates