Holiday Insights, Daily Holidays, Traditions, Facts, more! April 18th

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome back to our series sharing Holiday Insights, Daily Holidays, Traditions, Facts, more! April 18th. Take a look at the Holidays were celebrating today and leave me a comment letting me know which one you most would like to study and why.

International Juggler’s Day – also applies to multi tasking office workers.

International Jugglers Day and World Juggler's Day

Homeschooling parents and even grandparents or pet owners who work raise families and take care of animals.

World Juggler’s Day – Saturday Closest to June 17 which is my grandmother Dories Birthday and as a grandmother and a mom I know she would have said she was a Juggler if asked.

International Jugglers Day and World Juggler’s Day celebrates the skill of juggling, and talented people who can juggle many balls and objects at a time. Including common objects like balls, clubs, swords, plates, rings, and flaming sticks. The best jugglers can juggle up to ten balls at a time. Can you imagine doing that? I can’t. In fact I can’t even imagine juggling two balls can you?

Juggling is a skill and form of entertainment that has been around for thousands and thousands of years and some of the earliest recorded history supplies proof that juggling was around during the early days of civilized Man.

Juggling is primarily entertainment and it is most well documented in Medieval times in Europe. Juggling remains popular today. and can be most frequently seen when the Circus comes to town.

Some might suggest office workers are jugglers, because they multi- task and keep several “balls” or (projects) going at the same time. Just as a mom does.

Celebrate Juggling Day by watching a Juggler at work. Better still, get several balls and give juggling a try. ‘Ya never know, you just might be a talented juggler!

This week in our #HomeschoolPysicalEducationClass ie PE Charlie and I are going to try Juggling different objects including Fruit. If your i

National Columnists Day

Who's Talking About National Columnists Day 2019 - National Society of  Newspaper Columnists

Recognizes the importance and value of newspaper columnists.

The National Society of Newspaper Columnists, was founded in 1977. sponsors and promotes this day in support of columnists and journalists around the world. The day is dedicated to increasing awareness of the importance and contributions made by columnists and journalists worldwide.

Do you want to participate in this day? Read a newspaper column. Or, show some appreciation to these writers.

In our #HomeschoolingLanguageArts class were going to research what a Newspaper Columist does and create our own Newspaper to share with our friends and family.

Do you have a article you would like to submit to our newspaper? A recipe of a coupon for a business you might own? Or would you like to send someone a message?

Pet Owners Independence Day


Pet Owners Independence Day is indeed a time to celebrate. First of all, if you have a pet, that is reason in itself to celebrate. For, it is truly great to own a pet.

Just what is the reason for this holiday? According to the great folks at who created this day: “Dog and cat owners take off from work and their pets go to work in their place, since most pets are jobless, sleep all day and do not even take out the trash. Owners get to stay home all day and lie around on the sofa. “.

If you don’t have a pet, you don’t get to enjoy this holiday…. how sad.

Now, I have a question for you. Do you have a Pet? I have 4 dogs and I couldn’t imagine them going to work for me. Although it would be nice to remain at home and lay on the Couch all day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates