5 Facts to Consider When Choosing Outdoor Wall Fountain

The Mommies Reviews

5 Facts to Consider When Choosing Outdoor Wall Fountain


If you’ve noticed and thought to follow the growing trend in the world of exterior design in the form of outdoor wall fountains, then you’re in the right place. This article is what you need! We’ll advise you on what to pay attention to so that you choose the best water feature and thus beautify your yard.

Since you have decided on this one among several different types of fountains, we have to acknowledge that you are a person of taste and integrity.

And now, we’ll help you to start realizing your creative ideas successfully! Here we go!

Appropriate Base

Of course, you should first consider the available options regarding the area on which the wall fountain will be located. This refers to the base, both the one that is vertical (upwards to the floor from which the fountain flows) and the bottom one (which it is attached to and from where the water flows).

You need to match the wall’s surface and strength with the size and weight of the fountain you would put on it so that the entire fountain would stand firmly and be coherent with the ground.

The water’s weight should be included in the fountain’s total weight. Depending on how much water you want to circulate through the fountain, you need to convert the amount of water into weight. That way, you will find out how heavy the fountain would be and whether a particular surface could withstand it.

If you have a concrete base above which you want to place the fountain, you do not have to strictly take into account the size and shape of the fountain and the intensity of water. However, if it’s under a wooden base, you must take all this into account because wood is susceptible to rot. Water from the fountain splashes and spills onto the wooden surface, which can then deteriorate, lose its strength and create a hazard in your home. This is something you want to avoid at all costs. No matter how beautiful it will look around wood, it is best to have a sturdy structure. Then, you will be sure that you will not have any accidents.

Appropriate Position

Be careful not to position your new wall fountain or solar powered water fountain so that it’s exposed to the sun throughout the day, as this may affect the installation and mechanism of the fountain.

So it’s best to reject the eventual idea of ​​placing a wall fountain on the south wall.

Take care not to leave permanent electrical appliances or anything that should not get wet next to the fountain. Even though the water has a harmonious flow, you can never know for sure that it won’t move and overflow in some way at some point.

Appropriate power source

You must not rush in and take an ad hoc fountain; you must consider what’s the best way in the given circumstances to provide a power source that will pump water for the wall fountain. The ways available to you to provide energy for work are:

  • hard wired
  • socket connection
  • battery operation

There are some alternative energy sources. So think carefully about this when you bring what pays off the most.

Proper Plumbing

The choice under this item refers to how you want to deliver water to the fountain and through its internal installations. Concerning whether you want to distribute water directly and continuously, periodically, or manually, you need to choose the appropriate shape of the fountain and the plumbing installation structure.

Appropriate Purpose

This refers to the type of water and the jet’s intensity that would flow through the wall fountain. If you plan to use the fountain on the wall as a drinking fountain, you should connect to a plumbing system that sends the correct water that can be drunk and washed.

Based on this, the jet intensity level and direction should be determined, i.e., how much and how the water will flow.

If you’re planning a purely decorative function for the fountain, you can connect in another way, and you can also install a fountain with a strong, splashing jet.


I hope that by presenting these facts about wall fountains, we have drawn your attention to what to consider when choosing an outdoor fountain.

When you have decided on the kind of fountain that suits you, you can indulge in the sweet torments of choosing the one that best fits your exterior aesthetically.

All in all, an outdoor wall fountain is an excellent, stylish choice for anyone who wants to have a beautiful home. Apart from their good looks, these fountains also have a calming effect, and they can be a great conversation piece. Just make sure to pay attention to all the details we mentioned here, and you should be good.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates