How to Use Cannabis Recreationally

The Mommies Reviews

How to Use Cannabis Recreationally

Recreational cannabis, also known as recreational marijuana, refers to cannabis use for personal enjoyment and not necessarily for health reasons. The opposite of recreational marijuana is medical marijuana, which refers to the use of cannabis specifically for medical purposes. 

If you’re considering joining the bustling global marijuana community, it’s reassuring to know that you can either become a medical or recreational user. 

Of course, it’s far easier to use cannabis recreationally, as you don’t need a medical prescription for that. As a recreational user, you can readily buy weed online from your trusted distributor and use it on the go. 

On the flip side, using marijuana recreationally comes with its own setbacks, the most notable being legal and regulatory hurdles. 

white flowers with green leaves

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What Makes Cannabis A Popular Recreational Drug?

The cannabis plant produces hundreds of compounds. The vast majority of these compounds fall within two groups – cannabinoids and terpenes. 

Cannabinoids account for many of cannabis’s healing properties, whereas terpenes give cannabinoids their distinctive flavors and tastes. Researchers have since identified more than 110 cannabinoids, with cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) being the most widely-studied cannabinoids. 

While both CBD and THC come with powerful medicinal properties, CBD is more famous in the medical marijuana segment, whereas THC enjoys popularity among recreational cannabis users. The primary reason THC is popular as a recreational drug lies in its ability to trigger a wide range of psychedelic effects, properties that CBD doesn’t possess. 

So, as an aspiring recreational cannabis user, the first thing to do is opt for significantly high products in THC. If such products are also formulated with other cannabinoids, watch out for ingredients with the TH- prefix. Based on their etymology, cannabinoids preceded with the prefix ‘TH-‘ are all psychoactive, whereas those preceded by the prefix ‘CB-‘ are generally non-psychoactive. 

It’s important to note that the cannabis plant produces numerous cultivars in the same breath, and each cultivar is distinguishable by its cannabinoid profile. For instance, hemp cultivars are generally high in CBD and low in THC, whereas the opposite is true for marijuana cultivar.

green cannabis on clear glass jar

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Tips for Using Cannabis Recreationally

  1. Understand the benefits

Many recreational marijuana users turn to the herb for its powerful psychedelic properties. When consumed, THC, the primary psychotropic cannabinoid, binds directly to the endocannabinoid receptors located close to the brain and central nervous system, known as CB1 receptors. 

THC activates various brain regions that control the body’s reward system while also enhancing sensual awareness. The result of these interactions is a state of intoxication known as euphoria. A person in a euphoria state tends to engage more intensely in the things that naturally make humans happy, including working out, having sex, eating, and listening to music or watching movies. 

And here’s the best part – tetrahydrocannabinol also boasts numerous health benefits. So, as you use the substance recreationally, you’ll be seamlessly benefiting from its healing properties. Examples of problems that THC can treat include pain, anxiety, nausea, low appetite, inflammations, etc.

  1. Use cannabis in social situations

Since recreational cannabis is primarily intended for personal enjoyment and not therapeutic purposes, you can consider using the substance in social situations. 

Cannabis can liven up otherwise boring conversations with your friends or work colleagues. 

The substance encourages social intimacy, making every moment spent with your friends timeless and unforgettable.  

  1. Consider full-spectrum cannabis products

Full-spectrum cannabis refers to products that contain both psychoactive and non-psychoactive compounds. They’re often contrasted from cannabis isolates (products that contain only one active cannabinoid) and broad-spectrum products (products formulated to exclude psychoactive cannabinoids like THC). 

Full-spectrum products are usually formulated with THC and CBD, plus a host of other cannabinoids and terpenes. 

The tetrahydrocannabinol in full-spectrum cannabis products plays the fundamental role of inducing euphoria. But without an effective way to counteract the effects of THC, the substance could result in severe intoxication. And that’s where cannabidiol comes in. CBD modulates the effects of THC, ensuring that you don’t become too intoxicated in your quest to relish marijuana’s recreational benefits.

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  1. Keep the doses low

One of the best things about cannabis is that there’s no ideal dose. That explains why medical experts can only recommend the herb and not necessarily prescribe it. But the apparent lack of standard dosing information could also spell danger, especially for aspiring recreational users. 

The conventional wisdom is to always begin with the lowest doses possible. Monitor how your body responds to cannabis and only up to your doses when you’re duly familiarized with the herb. 

Even if you’re a seasoned user, it’s still important to modulate your cannabis intake. Otherwise, marijuana could build up in your system over time, leading to a tolerance for the herb. Worse yet, overdosing cannabis comes with immediate concerns, including hallucinations, bloodshot eyes, nausea, and fatigue.

  1. Observe the law

We began by mentioning that recreational cannabis faces stiffer regulation compared to medical cannabis, which means that medical marijuana is more legally available than recreational marijuana. 

Even in many countries that have decriminalized marijuana, the law still requires cannabis products to contain specific THC levels. 

So, before using cannabis recreationally, first established the legality of marijuana in your jurisdiction. That’s the only way to avoid run-ins with the law.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates