The Weekly Smile January, 5th 2021 #weeklysmile

The Mommies Reviews

My smile for the week was being able to let Charlie have a Belated Sleep Over for his Birthday in December. Through the years we have always had Bradley over but this year his Cousins William and Ronald joined the fun.

We were missing Aiden who did come to the party I hosted but Charlie didn’t ask him to spend the night with Covid. Kayden wasn’t here either because they live across town now and again with Covid I wasn’t sure his parents would allow him to come.

Then there was Bradley Miller missing because of his Self Inflicted Gunshot wound in November he is still in the hospital waiting on his Surgery on Friday.

If you wouldn’t mind keep Bradley and his family in your Prayers.


Come on, I’m sure you smiled at least once last week.  Why don’t you share it?  I hope you can join in!

Here is list of “rules” and guiding ideas.  If you don’t have time to read it right now, just remember that this is an exercise to spread positivity. Don’t smile about the misfortune of others.  Don’t smile in a way to excludes others. Make sure a 12 year old can read it.

To join in, write a post to share your smile and then leave a comment on this post with a link to your smile.  Or, if you prefer, do a pingback to this post (pingback = have a link from your post to this one) (Note – pingbacks have been very inconsistent – please leave a comment 🙂 ).   You can post any time until next Sunday evening (to be simple, I will say midnight GMT, which is 7 PM Sunday for me).  

Next week I will compile all of the Smiles and do a separate post of them on Monday morning just before the smile.  (I will shoot for around 7 AM EST).

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates