When Strong Women Speak, Strong Women Listen

The Mommies Reviews

Would you help me welcome Adriana Fuentes Diaz the Author of When Strong Women Speak, Strong Women Listen which you will find inside our Christmas Gift Guide Shopping for: Women.

Words have the power to inspire, motivate, and comfort. This collection features 800+ quotations from women who have successfully handled the hurdles, obstacles, and challenges that life has thrown at them.

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These are the words of wisdom and advice from women throughout the ages who have helped improve society, education, business, politics, and entrepreneurship for future generations of women.

It has never been more important for women to learn from one another, to help and support one another, and to encourage one another. For, as glass ceilings and other societal constraints fall, there is no doubt that the next generations of women will have an increasingly important and leading role in this world.

These inspired words will help guide you along your own journey and in our efforts to assist the grown and success of other women. I can’t wait to see what they have to tell us. How about you?

About Adriana Fuentes Diaz

Adriana Fuentes Diaz

For the past 15 years, Adriana Fuentes Díaz has been dedicated to the world of marketing, advertising, and public relations. She is also a devoted and happy mother to her teenage son, and a sister, friend, and daughter committed to always giving her best.

Today, she is heavily involved in women’s personal and professional issues and wants to inspire and motivate more women around the world to help each other pursue their individual dreams to make the world a better place.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates