Finders Key Purse®

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, would you help me welcome a new Christmas Gift Guide Sponsor  Finders Key Purse®. I was blessed when I was able to pick out different varieties of  Finders Key Purse® in exchange for a spot in this years Christmas Gift Guide Shopping for: Women.

I must tell you  Finders Key Purse® is the perfect Stocking Stuffer for all the ladies on our Gift Giving List. Don’t forget to pick out a couple  Finders Key Purse® for yourself.

 Finders Key Purse® was invented 15 years ago by a flight attendant. They have sold over 10 million Finders Key Purse® into the gift industry. What is it?

cross keychain, cross accessories, cross key finder, cross finders key purse

It’s a bag accessory that decorates the outside of a purse, tote, briefcase, backpack or pocket and prevents keys or fobs from falling to the bottom of the bag.

You will NEVER have to dig to the bottom of your purse or dump out its contents looking for your keys if you use a Finders Key Purse®.

More Gifts pepper spray, audible panic alarm/flashlights, and a “no touch” tool so you don’t have to touch a keypad or a door handle, that attach to a Finders Key Purse®.

Pepper Spray - Pink Hard Case

Finders Key Purse® are $7.95 and safety items are $9.95. For under $20 you can have a fashionable way to make your life easier and safer. This is a gift that does not get regifted and is really appreciated.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates