The Mommies Reviews

I love getting Gifts that contain multiple Gifts during Christmas. If your like me then I have the perfect Gift which you will find inside our Christmas Gift Guide Sponsor .

They sent me there Christmas home-themed package. Inside the box was a Luxury Series 3-candlewick Scented Candle, Table Christmas Tree, Christmas Ball Set, Christmas Greeting Card, Square Gift Box and Snow globes.

You could use this as one Gift for a very special person on your Christmas Shopping List or break the Gifts down into multiple gifts all for one price. If you have this box what would you do and why?


As soon as Charlie saw the Luxury Series 3-candlewick Scented Candle he asked to open it to see what it smelled like and once Charlie did he wanted to keep this for his room.

Finally I was able to put the Candle back up and yes, I might give it to Charlie for Christmas only I’m thinking I might keep the candle to use in our Living Room. The smell is so calming and doesn’t bother my head like a lot of scents does.

I liked how the container is small and round because it wouldn’t take up a lot of room. There is three wicks so the candle would burn more evenly. The container would fit into any decor.

Next was the Table Christmas Tree in Silver and I was thinking I could either use it as a Coffee Table decoration. Or Charlie and I could put together a arrangement and make the Christmas Tree the center of the arrangement.

Charlie says the tree would look nice on his sisters Grave but its so small I am afraid it might get lost. Instead I could put it inside Charlie’s Christmas Stocking and each year he would have a Tree for his room.

The next item we found inside our box were Christmas Ball Set which we needed as we had gotten rid of all of our Christmas Tree Decorations and had planned on purchasing new decorations this year.

Now we know what color to go with as they sent us red and white Christmas Ornaments which is Charlie’s and both his grandmothers favorite colors.

They will look good with the new way we are remodeling our home. But once again this was a Gift for someone on my Christmas Wish list and instead I am finding reasons why we should keep this Gift for ourselves.

If I were to give it to David and Charlie then I would have Gifted it to someone and throughout next year we would have new Gifts to use in our home. I think I should keep the box don’t you?

Also, inside the Gift Box was two Christmas Greeting Cards that I was thinking of sending to my sister and my mother in law. Then Charlie says we should frame them and turn them into a picture to hang over our Dinning Room table.

Don’t tell anyone but I think I will do that or make a Coffee Table picture for the Living Room if we do purchase the coffee table I would like to get to go with our Living Room set.

There were a set of Square Gift Boxes of different sizes and designs. I can’t wait to use these boxes decorations under our Christmas Tree. Or as decorations for my daughters Grave this year.

The last item we got was a Snow Globe with a kitten inside it which Charlie has claimed for his Aunt Debbie who loves cats and collects them. Although, I could see Charlie changing his mind and keeping the Snow Globe for himself. Would you keep the Snow Globe or give it to someone and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and Cates