Peri the Awesome COVID Fairy

The Mommies Reviews

One of my favorite Gifts to give kids for Christmas a is a book that they will be able to read throughout the year. Along, with there favorite snacks. Which is why I’m excited to bring you our latest Christmas Gift Guide Sponsor.

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Please help me welcome  Peri the Awesome COVID Fairy. I received a copy of the book in exchange for a spot in our Christmas Gift Guide and you will find the book in our Christmas Gift Guide Shopping for: Homeschool

Peri the Awesome COVID Fairy  should be on everyone’s Christmas Shopping list this year! It’s so adorable and relevant and should be placed into the hands of every child.

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Adults can rationalize what’s happening with COVID-19, but for kids, they are suddenly thrust into this confusing and isolating experience. Everything from play dates to school, and even going out to eat looks and feels so much different. 

Through this whimsical story, kids will get some comfort out of the book’s message, but also remember to find time to still be kids—to dance, sing, and draw—even with the restrictions that come with COVID.

Satirist and lawyer Morgan Duffy and her esteemed illustrator/author mom Mary Duffy team up for the first time for an important public health cause which you must check out.

In their new book, Peri the Awesome COVID Fairy, a blue whimsical fairy who loves dressing up and dance parties, reminds kids about the importance of washing their hands and thinking of others.

COVID is hard to explain to anyone – let alone kids. But the Duffy’s manage to explain these unprecedented times in an easy-to-understand, non-scary way, while at the same time providing important health information and reminding kids not to neglect the things that make them happy.

Like dance parties, singing and drawing! Kids can join in on the reading, and even get in on their own Peri the Awesome COVID Fairy exclusive masks.

About: Morgan Duffy

Morgan Duffy

Morgan Duffy (Mo) is a self-proclaimed modern-day Mary Poppins, who has a sprinkle wand instead of an umbrella. Who has hiking boots, instead of fancy slippers. That’s magical Mo.

The real Mo: she worked on a campaign for President Obama, practiced law (up until a few months ago when she pressed pause to write Peri, and homeschool, oh Covid!).

She also has a not so-kiddo-friendly, satirical side that she writes for when the children fall asleep. When she’s not dreaming up stories with her mother as illustrator and co-creator, Mo is far from her computer.

She might be tending to her Cactus farm, but most likely she is looking for heart-shaped rocks in the desert, or a beautiful Moss specimen in some forest-with her husband and kiddos in tow.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates