The Cornerstone Challenge Day Fifteen: Content that Helps You Save Money

The Mommies Reviews

For me and saving money I wish I could say I was better at this but I am not. Although when I was growing up I used Coupons and would do my parents grocery shopping and this is how I was able to get new school clothes.

Image result for quotes for a penny earned is a penny saved

When I was married my husband and I used Coupons and we was able to save enough money to take a vacation to Sea World with our children. As well as visiting many places in our hometown.

After our divorce and remarrying I quit using coupons because the stores around her either quit taking them or the paper didn’t put as many in as they used to.

Then the other day David and I was talking and after seeing how much we spend going out to eat we went and bought a bank and anytime we want to go out to dinner we are going to put the money into the bank.

In January we are going were going to turn the change in and take a vacation which we haven’t done in 3 years. As well as starting our savings over.

Charlie saw us doing this he also made the decision to stop purchasing Games for his X Box and to save the money for the Bike he is wanting. I am happy because Charlie is learning the value of a dollar.

As well as learning money doesn’t grow on trees. Then this morning we will know if we are able to purchase our home and for how much down. Then I will need to start saving to remodel my home which means we will be using coupons and apps as much as possible.

If you know of ways to save money please let me know as I need all the help I can get. Not only in our personal spending but business wise and also in Homeschooling.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

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