A Monster or a Microwave: Come and play with Zuwena!

The Mommies Reviews

As we finished choosing the books we wanted to read in Reading class I reminded Charlie we would need cookbooks for cooking class. Before I knew it Charlie went and brought me A Monster or a Microwave: Come and play with Zuwena!

I asked Charlie how we could use A Monster or a Microwave: Come and play with Zuwena! in our cooking class when there were no, recipes. Charlie said we could make our Microwave into a Monster for Halloween which would be a Art class . Then we could read A Monster or a Microwave: Come and play with Zuwena!

I had to agree with Charlie. I liked how Charlie was thinking outside the box when Charlie let me know there were words in A Monster or a Microwave: Come and play with Zuwena! he could use in our Vocabulary Class. We could even recycle items in our home to make a monster microwave.

I let Charlie know the Author of A Monster or a Microwave: Come and play with Zuwena! was Tephra Miriam . We can research the Author and see if she had written other books. If so we can add them to our reading list and read them during our reading class.


An out of this world whimsical, colorful and rhyming tale that encourages a big imagination, friendship, silliness, being just who you are and all things FUN! Join Zuwena as she faces her greatest enemy with the help of her friends.

About the Author:

Tephra Miriam is an avid thought leader, author, graphic artist, photographer, musician, activist and entrepreneur with a passion for change. Tephra grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico and moved to Chicago, Illinois when she was 18 years old, where she currently resides. Her search for adventure took her far and wide at a young age and she continues to mentor, learn, work and speak all over the US.

Tephra is a firm believer of redefining the way we think and live. She is a wellness advocate and often blogs on organizational development, challenging the status quo and creating a holistic work environment. Tephra believes that creating space in your life to play, imagine and dream is vital in problem solving, stress management and innovation.

As a product of 12 years of homeschooling, Tephra started out at Harold Washington College in Chicago, Illinois before transferring to DePaul University and receiving her Bachelor of Arts degree in Global Communications and a Master of Arts degree in Applied Professional Studies with a concentration in Authorship and Entrepreneurialism.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates