Ultimate Blog Challenge July, 2020 Day 26

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? I would like to welcome you to the Ultimate Blog Challenge July, 2020 Day 26. Are you taking part in the challenge? Have you been able to keep up and post once a day? Or are you like me behind and playing catch up?

If I had posted each day like I was supposed to this would have been the last Sunday in the challenge until October but we know that didn’t happen with me.

Oh, well at least I am almost caught up and might be able to get back on track. But I wouldn’t hold my breath as David is off the next two day and I never seem to get to work the way I need to when he is home. Are you able to when your family is home?

Here is the prompt for today:

Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest.Content curation is not a new phenomenon. Museums and galleries have curators to select items for collection and display. There are also curators in the world of media. For instance DJs of radio stations are tasked with selecting songs to be played over the air. (Curated from wikipedia!)

Head over to YouTube.com or EZineArticles.com (yup! It still exists!) and find either a video or an article that you think your visitors will like. Put the video or a few lines of the article on your your new blog post. and then write a few lines above it and below it and your post is ready to go.

Don’t forget to share your Day 26 post first on your own website, and then head over to the Facebook group at and share the URL of your post with the group.

Since I have dinner this evening with friends to celebrate David’s Birthday I thought I would ask you to visit these sites and come back and share a post with me you found you liked. Later on I will find one I like and share it with you.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates