Ultimate Blog Challenge July, 2020 Day 24

The Mommies Reviews

I’ve been so bad I haven’t been taking classes I should to become a better blogger. Or running classes to help the blogs I was Mentoring. Which I need to change and soon.

Even though this morning in the Ultimate Blog Challenge July 2020 Day 24 we was asked the following question:

Write a post about training.

Have you recently taken a training class? What was it on? How was it? What was the big take away? If you haven’t taken a class, what would you like to take? Why? How would it help you?

I had to say no, but I plan on that stopping this month as I want to run a Instagram challenge next month. Where we are challenged to post one picture a day and to pin it on Pinterest.

Helping us grow our Social Media sites that have been sitting and not growing. I would like to ask if you know of a class for Pinterest or Instagram we should sign up for.

Or people we should be following on those site and why.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates