A Guide On Managing Your Mental and Physical Health

The Mommies Reviews

Managing your health might seem like a simple task, however, with the outbreak of Coronavirus still affecting Americans, it can be hard to find ways to maintain a healthy mindset. Coping with stress and anxiety can become easier when you take care of yourself. 

If you’re not exactly sure how to get started then here is a quick and easy guide to help you! 

Check-In With Yourself 

When was the last time you asked yourself how you’re doing? Although it might seem silly, it’s important to touch base with yourself from time to time. In order to build and maintain meaningful relationships within ourselves and with others, you must spend quality time with yourself. Self-care can mean a variety of different things for everyone. With COVID-19 still lurking around you might have had to put some of your favorite activities on hold, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t indulge in other fun activities. Self-care can not only help reduce anxiety but also help you appreciate your free time. 

Start off slow by purchasing a journal. A journal will help improve your mood and be an outlet for you to prioritize your issues. You can track your daily routine or use your journal to write about any fears or triggers. You can also try a new activity that has always interested you, like baking or painting. Trying a new activity will help you come out of your comfort zone and expand your skill set. 

Move As Much As You Can 

Working or staying at home can have many benefits, like creating a better work-life balance, saving money, and you might even become more productive. However, one downside to staying home can be your lack of motivation to stay active. If you find yourself slowly becoming a couch potato because you spend the majority of your day inactive from working on your couch then you might be putting your body in harm. Regular physical activity has a number of benefits like maintaining a healthy weight and keeping you out of risk for various health conditions. It can help you create a healthier state of mind and improve your overall quality of life. If you’re overwhelmed with where to begin, consider creating a workout routine that is catered to your skill level and desired fitness goals. 

Developing a workout plan might seem tricky, however, there are fitness apps that can help you create a step by step exercise plan that corresponds with an appropriate meal plan. Apps like Noom will use a psychology-based approach to track your exercise and food, all while encouraging you to create healthy habits. You can even utilize free video-sharing platforms like YouTube to find fitness channels that have a variety of exercise options, like free aerobic classes or yoga routines. 

Take Breaks to Beat the Side Effects of Stress

While it’s hard to stay away from COVID-19 related news coverage, it’s crucial to give yourself breaks throughout the day to help your health. Staying informed is important but it can also be overly damaging to constantly read and watch the news. Bad news can have a negative impact on your emotional and physical state by producing stress hormones, which can have harmful impacts, such as suppressing your reproductive system. Stress can lead to sexual complications, too, like erectile dysfunction in men and a lower libido for women. Both can have a long term negative effect on your mental health. Luckily, there are medications like Viagra to help with ED and relieve any sex-related anxiety. There are also other options like therapy for when medication can’t be of assistance. Pay attention to your stress and take the necessary precautions, because when not treated properly there can be long term negative effects to your health that you might not realize

If you’re struggling to stay away from the news then start by deciding how much news you want to consume in a day. Give yourself half an hour in the morning and evening to catch up on important information. Also, make it a habit to take breaks from your phone, and do things like read your favorite book or listen to music to destress. You can even dedicate an hour of your day to a daily walk without your phone, to help you refocus and get your mind off of the media. 

Create A Routine 

Although you might feel as if every day has become a routine, it doesn’t mean it is benefiting you or a healthy routine at that.  If you struggle with daily stress or anxiety you might want to take a look at your day-to-day schedule. Healthy routines can improve stress levels and mental health because it will help you gain more control of your time. If your day typically begins at noon and you spend a significant amount of time in bed scrolling on your phone then your day will begin to feel counterproductive. 

Start off by taking a look at your sleep schedule. Better sleep will help you feel refreshed and ready to take on the day, and if you find it difficult to wake up in the morning then consider getting a Sonic Bomb alarm clock that has a bed-shaking mode for heavy sleepers. Your bedtime has an effect on your mental performance and sharpness. Make sure you’re getting the proper amount of sleep by setting a bedtime and sticking with it.

Your mental and physical health might not improve overnight and that’s okay! Remember you are human, so these things take time. Once you make the dedication to bettering your overall health you will begin to see and feel improvements. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates