Ultimate Blog Challenge July, 2020 Day 20

The Mommies Reviews

Howdy, One foot in front of the other and I will be caught up. Thank the Lord. In the meantime I haven’t been sharing in the group because I knew it would just overwhelm me and make me feel more stressed.


Even if no, one see’s my post I know I did what I should and I completed each and every day in this months challenge and I will be ready to start again in October.

How about you?

Can you believe that there are only 11 days left in the challenge?

People love lists of things they can do (or shouldn’t do)! Here are some examples of headlines you can modify for your niche and audience. Which one would they like to read about?

See how Easily You Can Learn To ________ (ex., See How Easily You Can Learn To Lose 10 Pounds)

How to ________ and ________ (ex., Dale Carnegie’s book, How to Win Friends and Influence People).

Let me know and I will come write a blog post answering the question that I get the most comments on.


Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates