Father’s Day 2020

The Mommies Reviews

Sunday was Father’s Day and I just let the day slide by as I didn’t want to face my dad being gone this year. I did purchase a Blackberry Cobbler and Father’s Day card for David’s dad.

Happy Father's Day from Good Shepherd! - The Good Shepherd Community

Charlie and I were going to cook dinner for David but I had tripped on Saturday and had to stay off my knee. We ended up eating out and went to Applebee’s.

Father's Day Quotes | Hallmark Ideas & Inspiration

I wish David had let us take him to get Chinese food as this is David’s favorite meal. Charlie did make David a card and if I could get this picture of Charlie printed out I would framed for David.

Charlie looks so grown-up here. The picture was taken at Texas Roadhouse and I love seeing Charlie in his glasses as they make him look so intelligent. I wish David was in the picture with Charlie.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates