The Sudden Loss Survival Guide: Seven Essential Practices for Healing Grief (Bereavement, Suicide, for Readers of Together)

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for a novel called The Sudden Loss Survival Guide: Seven Essential Practices for Healing Grief (Bereavement, Suicide, for Readers of Together). I was sent a PDF in exchange for this review.

My daughter passed away unexpectdly in 2004 when she was hit by a car while crossing the street. Most days I believe I am healing and dealing with her death in a positive way.

Other days I don’t feel like I can go forward without Suzzane. This can happen because I see something that reminds me of her or I think about her. Or someone might mention something she would have liked.

This can cause me to sink into a deep depression and now with both of my parents passing and both of them being unexpected it’s gotten worse. I am always tired and just want to sleep.

The littlest things make me mad and I can go off on anyone in the blink of an eye. Most of the time I don’t want to be here but I don’t want to hurt myself because this would kill Charlie.

I fight to get get up everyday and to get dressed and to go on about my day. Working and homeschooling Charlie but I fail in so many ways that I wonder why David even stays with me.

As soon as I saw the press release for The Sudden Loss Survival Guide: Seven Essential Practices for Healing Grief (Bereavement, Suicide, for Readers of Together) I couldn’t wait to sit down and read the novel to see if it would be able to help me deal with the feelings I have been having.

After reading The Sudden Loss Survival Guide and using the tips in the book I no, longer feel like I am lost and can not get through the deaths of the people I love. I also haven’t felt as depressed and I know I will be okay.


#1 New Release in Sociology of Death ─ Restore Your Spirit after Sudden Loss

Healing after loss. When a loved one passes unexpectedly, the person left behind can lose their bearings. After the sudden loss of her mother, Chelsea Hanson, a nationally-recognized grief educator and founder of With Sympathy Gifts and Keepsakes, didn’t know where to turn for help, what to do next, or how to put the pieces of her life back together.

Hanson’s The Sudden Loss Survival Guide gathers everything that she learned during her own recovery process and provides an indispensable road map to aid those who’ve experienced a life-changing loss.

A proactive, intentional approach. While you cannot control losing a loved one, you can consciously guide your own recovery. Through the application of simple, proactive practices, The Sudden Loss Survival Guide will empower you to overcome the darkness and anxiety of grief.

Action-based tools. The Sudden Loss Survival Guide includes heart-lifting prompts and action steps that guide you towards reengaging in life and discovering deeper meaning. Through Hanson’s grief healing practices, this book delivers the essential answers and tools needed to survive, cope, and heal from the devastating impact of sudden loss.

The Sudden Loss Survival Guide is a distinctive grief recovery handbook. In this book, discover:

  • Seven practices for healing, including creative memorialization and maintaining an ongoing spiritual connection
  • Skimmable, stand-alone passages with immediate, usable information for the trauma you’re facing
  • A transformative method for living a meaningful, fulfilling life in remembrance of your loved one
  • Readers of grief books like It’s OK That You’re Not OKI Wasn’t Ready to Say Goodbye, and Grief Day By Day will learn how to live again with the help of The Sudden Loss Survival Guide.

About Chelsea Hanson

Chelsea Hanson is a grief educator, spiritual mentor for women, and author of The Sudden Loss Survival Guide.

Following the sudden death of both of her parents, Hanson developed her signature system, The Seven Essential Practices to Heal Grief, a program that transforms deep grief into insightful healing. Her mission and calling is leading the bereaved through this unique transformative approach to reconcile their sorrow while continuing to honor the spirit of those they love. Her gentle, supportive programs guide survivors in transforming setbacks into opportunities to live a meaningful life.

Chelsea’s published books, grief support programs and online store have been used by more than 700 organizations across the United States and Canada.

If you too, would like to make your life and work matter, get her free mini-class, Say Yes to Life at


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In gratitude for you, the sudden loss survivor.

Together, we can heal.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates