May 26th 30-Day Self Love Challenge Day 26

The Mommies Reviews

The other day I had to chuckle at Pam Allen as she forgot to post the May 26th 30-Day Self Love Challenge Day 27. As I thought about her forgetting a day I let her know there was times I would like to forget a day or two or three. How about you?

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For this mornings Journal Prompt- How do you change your mindset to love yourself more?

For me I keep telling myself to stay away from anything negative including people in my circle of friends and family.

I remind myself daily I am good enough and that I do things that are right. I am not stupid like people try and make me believe. I keep telling myself I can and will succeed if I just believe in the Lord.

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Come join us in the Challenge by visiting Pam’s Facebook page.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates