May 24th 30- Days of Self Love Challenge

The Mommies Reviews

I was working this afternoon when my sister texted to ask if I would like to go get a Soda. I let her know that would be nice and Charlie would like to go as well.

While I was talking to her Charlie came in and let me know he had been bitten by a Bee. This worried me because when he was little Charlie used to be allergic to Ants.

But Charlie is fine and Debbie has returned home after we walked for a bit. Now, David will be coming home soon but before he arrives I wanted to get my May 24th 30- Days of Self Love Challenge.

Which means I will be two days behind tomorrow if I am not able to get one more up this evening but I know its okay and that the LORD knows my needs and like I have said before some how someway I will catch up.

Day 24- Self Love Challenge

Journal Prompt- What is your perfect morning?

Image may contain: text that says 'Wha DAY 24 is your perfect morring routire? =drram'

Getting up early while everyone is asleep. Grabbing a Bubble Bath. Then getting a Glass of Tea and going to the couch to watch a show by myself and plan my day.

Then coming to the computer and turning it on and checking on all my friends. Then working while Charlie is asleep. I stop at 9 to grab a snack and to take a quick walk and pick up the house.

I walk Charlie up and we snuggle on the couch while going over his work. Then I return to work. For me seeing and knowing the guys and the dogs are asleep and my friends are well is a perfect morning for me.

I also like to make notes for the day and to take the time to thank the LORD for the day he has created for us.

Please let me know what your perfect morning would be : )

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates