Guide For Parents to Follow: Check out KindMommy website

The Mommies Reviews

Becoming a parent is a huge milestone for most people. However, you must learn how to do it right. Remember, you are shaping the minds of your little ones, and it’s your job to make sure they grow up the right way. Here is the best guide for parents to follow. 

1. Find Ways to Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem

As early as infancy, your child will see themselves through your eyes. That’s when they develop their sense of self. Kids absorb your body language, tone, and expressions. Everything you do as a parent affects their self-esteem.

That’s why you need to start building their self-esteem as early as possible. You can find various tips and advice on KindMommy website, a blog dedicated to parenting.  Start by praising their accomplishments, even the small ones, to make them proud. Also, you can allow them to do things independently, so they feel strong and capable. Don’t belittle your child because they will feel worthless.

2. Adapt Parenting Methods to Fit Your Child’s Needs 

Not every child is the same. What your parents did as you grew up has changed over the years. Your child is different, and so are you. Watch out for your child’s developmental milestones and adapt your parenting methods as they grow. You need to know how their age or the environment affects their behavior then adjust accordingly.

3. Set Rules and Explain Them 

You need to manage your child’s behavior from a young age. That way, they can learn how to manage themselves as they grow up. Of course, you can’t micromanage them forever. As they grow up, the rules become inbuilt, and they can follow them without any supervision.

However, don’t set rules and become a dictator. You need be kind enough to explain them the rules. For instance, if you say there is no running around the house, you need to explain why. It could be because the child might break a few things in the home or because he could bump into walls.

Remember, their minds are growing, and they are exploring new worlds. Govern them but let them roam free and discover their new world effortlessly. Rules are there to be followed but only to certain extend.

4. Always Respect Your Children

Do you want your children to respect you as a parent? Start by respecting them first. Give your child the same level of courtesy you would give anyone else. Always speak to your children politely and pay attention when they say something. 

Treat your children kindly, and always find ways to please them. Remember, children mimic their parents’ behavior. If you are abusive towards them, they will do the same to others around them. 

5. Be More Involved in Your Child’s Life 

It takes a lot of time and hard work to be more involved in your child’s life, but you need to do it. In most cases, you will sacrifice what you need to do for yourself and do what your child needs. It’s tough for a lot of parents to be more involved, especially with their busy lives. 

However, you need to find a pattern to be there for your child and stick to it. For instance, every day after work, take a few minutes and talk to your child about their day. You can ask them to say what happened at school or with other children in the neighborhood. 

If you are involved in your children’s lives, they will learn how to open up to you. When they are grown up, they will always come back to the same routine. You need to start forming the bond early enough.

6. Be Consistent with Your Discipline 

You need to learn how to discipline your children. It’s a way for your children to choose the right behaviors and learn self-control. They are likely going to test the limits you have established, but these limits are in place to help them grow into responsible people.

You need to have a discipline system in place. For instance, you can give them a warning first then follow up with an action such as time out or losing privileges. Always follow through with the consequences so children can know what happens when they do something wrong. Consistency is key to disciplining your children.

7. Insist on Open Communication at All Times 

Of course, children will not do anything you say just because you said it. They always want explanations, just like any other adult would. If you don’t explain things to them, they will wonder about the motive behind it. You need to reason with your kids, as you would any other adult so they can understand things.

Your expectations should be clear. If your kid has done something wrong, explain it to them and describe it. Even better, ask your child to help you come up with a solution. You should include consequences, suggestions, and choices. Negotiate, if possible, to come up with a good solution. If your kids participate in decision making, they are going to carry it out.

8. Understand Your Needs and Limitations 

No one is perfect, not even you. As a parent, you have your strengths and weaknesses. You need to identify them and recognize them. Set rational expectations for yourself as a parent and learn how to forgive yourself when you don’t meet a few goals. 

Parenting is a manageable job if done the right way. Don’t address everything at once. Instead, focus on what needs immediate attention. Take time off when you are burned out.

Thank you,

Glenda, CHarlie and David Cates