May 9th 30- Days Self Love Challenge

The Mommies Reviews

How are you? Welcome to May 9th 30- Days Self Love Challenge. If this is your first time to check out the challenge it’s ran by Pam Allen from Pink Mama Place.

Each day we have a prompt to answer and we can use our blogs, notebook paper or even your phone as long as you answer the prompt. If you want to you can share the prompt but you don’t have to.

This is the Journal Prompt- Day 9- Self Love Challenge: We are to list 3 of our biggest achievements:

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1. Being a MOM to Charlie and Suzzane.

2. Rebuilding my klife after Everett left me Homeless and following my heart and giving David a chance and falling in love again.

3. Forgiving the man who killed Suzzane.

I hope you can take this challenge and do 3 things for yourself today! Let me know if you want! Remember you can get the journal at my ETSY page– That link will give you $1 OFF!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates