Kidvelope Missions

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie and I went through the Game Shelf this morning for something we could do with David this morning as he is off from work again today and tomorrow.

While looking we found Kidvelope Missions which is a Mischievously Fun Adventure Game Space Rescue I can put together Lesson Plans for Space and use this new game.

Once were done playing Charlie can learn about Space. This evening we could get out our Telescope out and go outside this evening to look at the Stars and see if we see anything in our game.

If my parents was here I would’ve used Kidvelope Missions with Charlie and my mom. They lived in Oklahoma, Oklahoma. Charlie would get mail from a different State but they are gone.

I have a Aunt and brother in Oklahoma but I don’t think they would take the time to do Kidsvelope Missions with Charlie and I want Charlie to make new friends.

I have Blogger friends all over the World I’m going to ask them if there if there children would like to be Pen Pals with Charlie. Not only could we do Kidvelope Missions but learn about new States.

I like having Kidsvelope Missions because school is out for the rest of the year and everyone has to Homeschooling there children and using Kidsvelope Missions includes an Activity Kit loaded with goodies plus access to shared online activities & collaborations.

Which would help children who aren’t familiar with a computer be able to learn how to use one in a no threatening way. I also like knowing there is a opportunity to collect points and win prizes.

The Kidvelope Shop

Our first mission is here. It transcends time and space, bringing faraway friends and family together!


An alien planet explodes. Fiery asteroids threaten neighboring worlds. Team up with a faraway friend to save billions of lives!

$21.95 (includes free shipping)

To ensure kids’ privacy, parents register kids and provide approval before kids can do online game elements.


Kidvelope is a series of collaborative mission adventure experiences, played offline and online, that offer kids a new way to connect and play–laugh, share, create–with faraway grandparents, parents, aunts/uncles and other family.

From former creatives at Nickelodeon, HBO, MTV, MAD Magazine, Showtime, HASBRO. Each Kidvelope Mission is kicked off by the child receiving a cool surprise-filled activity kit, loaded with creative fun stuff that inspires imagination, intellectual curiosity and ongoing engagement between the mission partners. The first mission is SPACE RESCUE. More missions are in the works and coming soon!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates