How to Set Up Your Own Homeschool Classroom

The Mommies Reviews

How to Set Up Your Own Homeschool Classroom

Every child’s learning style is unique, therefore their learning environment should mirror that. Before diving head first in setting up their classroom, consider the goals they need to accomplish first. Take into consideration your needs as well. One advantage of homeschooling is being able to tailor the room to best suit and optimize your family’s learning style. It’s also important to consider the age of your student before deciding on a workspace. With all of this in mind, keep reading for small tips to include when setting up the classroom. 

Designate an area 

This is the first step, and possibly the most important. Finding an area where your children can learn that’s separate from the home is crucial. It can be tricky since they are used to having completely separate locations for learning and home life. Your basement or even a guest room is perfect for this. They are rooms you don’t usually spend time in, so they can give the illusion of a different area entirely. If you are limited for space, the dining room can be a great alternative as well. This provides a larger space for you to bring in items you might need to assist in lessons. 

Incorporate artwork 

There are so many ways you can incorporate artwork within your homeschool classroom. Not to mention, so many reasons why you should! Your environment has an impact on how productive and creative you are. Not only will your children’s future work benefit from a little decor it will also be a perfect opportunity to show off their past work! Selecting some assorted picture frames to encompass your children’s creative work will give them a sense of pride within the space they are working in. Additionally, if you don’t have any personal artwork to hang up, get creative with their schedule. Frame a chalkboard and use different colors to write out their schedule for the day. Seeing their tasks written out will help them grasp onto their goals for the day and quickly promote productivity. 

Eliminate distractions

This is huge. With this sudden transition from a normal classroom setting to a more relaxed home environment, there needs to be limited distractions within their space. For example, having a T.V. playing for “background noise” should not be considered. While it may seem to keep their spirits up, your child will not reach their full potential while working. For an easy replacement, substitute that T.V. with some subtle music playing as they work to improve their productivity and focus. Another major distraction is clutter. It is crucial to clean and organize your child’s workspace. Unnecessary papers and supplies will clutter their brain as well as the area and hinder their ability to learn effectively. Utilize shelves or storage containers to hold these items and give your children a fresh space to study.

It’s important to get creative when homeschooling, especially if you are new to it! Don’t be afraid to take the schooling outside, too. The fresh air will help improve their focus and well being. Not to mention, with the weather warming up it’s a great reset for your kids! However you choose to set up your classroom, be sure to utilize some of these times to enhance their learning and set them up for success!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates