Think Big by Kat Kronenberg

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for a novel called Think Big published by Kat Kronenberg. I received a copy of Think Big in exchange for this review.

With everything happening in the world my son has been uneasy and is scared about what is going to happen not only in our lives but with his friends and family.

I asked Charlie to sit down and read Think Big with me. As we read through the book and Charlie saw how the animals came together Charlie became calmer and said through the Lord everything will be okay.

Charlie and I discussed how we can use Think Big in our Homeschooling class for Art and Reading and how he loved hearing such a positive message and he can’t wait to share Think Big with my niece and nephew.

Charlie also, has come up with some ways to share love with our neighbors thought the book by sharing hearts and making mask. If it wasn’t for Think Big we would still be struggling and I can never thank Kat Kronenberg enough for this wonderful live changing novel.


Parents across the globe are navigating unchartered territory as we attempt to explain, in a child-friendly way, the current happenings of the world to our kids.

On top of this task, most children are out of school for a period of time and we face new challenges – and new schedules – as family units. As a parent of three young children myself, I’ve been asking myself: how can I empower my kids in the days ahead?

This is a guest post from the publishing company for the award-winning children’s author whose powerful picture books – Dream Big and Love Big were the first two, with Think Big releasing this May – were born out of a desire to help children who are overcoming obstacles by offering encouragement and tools for resilience.  

The beautifully illustrated Think Bi(May 12, 2020) follows a moody baboon as he faces the challenge of a lifetime: the African savanna he and all of the other animals call home is facing a life-threatening drought.

By using his own gifts, the power of his BIG ideas, and good decision making, can baboon set an example that will inspire the rest of his friends to work together in the best interest of their collective future?

Think Big will help families:

  • Talk about how we can all pitch in and help when faced with a challenge
  • Replace their children’s fear and anxiety with empowerment
  • About positive self-talk and how it can help kids to be their best selves
  • Learn the value of the three G’s: Goals, Gratitude, and Giving
  • Spend quality time together reading a book, while also learning (did you know it is a scientific fact that we are all made of a little stardust? So cool!)

If your looking for fun activities to keep the children busy then you should check out the great resources/kids’ activities Kat offers on her website under the “fun” and “learn” tabs in case it’s helpful

Kat Kronenberg’s life story and ability to inspire audiences has positioned her as a coveted keynote speaker, presenter at schools, and Austin Business Journal’s Profile in Power Winner, Central Texas Women of Influence. She is also a Mom’s Gold Choice Award Winner, Family Choice Winner, Writer’s League of Texas Discovery Prize Winner living in Austin, Texas.

As a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, her hope and dream is that with books we can encourage one another to follow our dreams.

THINK BIG (Greenleaf Book Group, May 2020) is now available for preorder from Amazon, Book People, and booksellers nationwide, and will officially be available for purchase on May 12, 2020.

Part of the proceeds from the book will support WE, Grameen America, and teachers who want to bring classroom dreams to life via Donors Choose.

Kronenberg is available for speaking opportunities. More information can be found at, FacebookTwitterInstagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates