A Real Unbiased Review Of Dumex Mamil Gold

As a parent, there is nearly no end to the number of options that you have when it comes to baby formulas and nutritional products. Heck, this is a billion-dollar market with a lot of shyster products. This is not to say that there aren’t some good products out there because there are, and if you are a parent you already likely know this. However, what you might not know is just how important the right formula is for your child during the growing stages of his or her life. This is just one of the key things that the Dumex Company discovered, and what puts them ahead of most baby nutrition companies today.

Making Breakthroughs In The Nutrition Industry

There is no denying that Dumex is one of the most recognized companies in the world. Heck, this is the brand that most major hospitals use, so it only makes sense if you’ve heard of them. That being said, what you probably don’t know if what they’ve done for the industry. They were the first company to discover just how important nutrition is to your child during the first few years of his or her life. In fact, from ages 1 to 3 your child’s brain will reach its full growth potential. From age 1 to 2, it will literally double in size. With scientific backing and tons of research, it was Dumex that discovered this. Not only did they discover this, but they discovered just how to ensure that your child gets the nutrition that he or she needs to develop the right properties. And, all of the nutritional goodness comes in their products, Dumex Gold specifically.

What Is Dumex Gold?

Dumex Gold also referred to as Dumex Mamil Gold is a three-step growing formula designed specifically for children ages one to three. It is one of the most advanced in the world with key and crucial ingredients. It contains a PreciNutri along with a whole host of other nutritional supplements and ingredients that contain key components to support the overall healthy growth and development of your toddler. This formula will help with the development of everything from brain functions to eyesight. Not only this, but the product is completely sucrose-free. Sucrose is a very common product found in baby nutritional formulas, and it has been known to cause more harm than good. When it enters the body it is broken down into glucose and fructose. Given too much, and you could be looking at a diabetic nightmare.

Removes The Guesswork

Sometimes baby products can be a guessing game. It is either guessing if the product is worthy or how much of it to give your child. This is just another of the many things that Dumex does so well. They remove all the guesswork so that you know exactly how much to give your child and when to give it to them. Everything comes clearly printed right on the side of the package and will include all the information that you ever need.