Sparkle and Grace

The Mommies Reviews

I’m excited to introduce you to Bernadette Judge (Nurse B), RN, and operations manager of a supplement company, Nupeutics Naturals and founder for , Bernadette was lead Nurse for a California-based OBGYN practice before taking the role of Lead Pre-Op Nurse. Her real passion is skin! Healing skin from the inside out!

During times like these, our skin can experience ‘freak outs’, Bernadette has weighed in on how to managed ’stressed out skin’ below:

We all deal with stress.. No matter what type it is, physical, emotional, psychological or environmental. Over time it can take a toll on our body and mind. Our bodies respond by releasing chemicals which cause our  hormones to go crazy and increase inflammation. This can wreak havoc on our skin. If you have eczema, roscea or acne you may find that stress exacerbates these skin conditions. But even normal skin can react to stress.

  • What is the best way to managed stress out skin? Manage your stress levels. I know it is easier said than done but here are some great tips to get you started. 
  • Eat and drink responsibly. Stress eating is real and we are what we eat. The healthier foods we choose the healthier our skin will be. Eat the rainbow of fruits and vegetables high in  antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Not Skittles!
  • Get moving ! Exercise releases the feel good endorphins that make us naturally feel better and reduce stress. 
  • Practice relaxation techniques or meditate daily. Allow your mind and body to relax and reset. Daily affirmations are another great way to reduce anxiety and stress and improve your mindset. 
  • Sleep is often affected by stress. When we sleep our bodies go into a restorative and healing mode. Getting enough sleep helps to manage your stress levels while alleviating stressed skin. They do not call it beauty sleep for nothing! 
  • When your skin is stressed you may want to take a step back and re-evaluate your skin care routine. Make sure you are staying consistent. Work with the basics and give your skin time to calm down. When you see your skin start to go back to normal you can incorporate stronger skin care products like vitamin C, acids and retinols.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates