Blogging From A to Z April Challenge

The Mommies Reviews

After much back and forth I have decided to share Desserts from A to Z. I would like to let you know a couple days did stump me and if you would help me out on those days I would be very thankful.

A Apple Tart

B Blueberry Cobbler

C Cinnamon Roll although a tiny voice in the back of my head said I should share a recipe for a Cobnut Cake for my mom.

D. Dirt Cake I’m so excited to make this Dirt Cake with Charlie.

E Eclairs

F. Fudge I like to have Walnuts in my Fudge. How about you?

G. German Chocolate Cake I wish my grandmother Dorie was here to make us her cake from scratch.

H. Haystacks

I. Icebox Cake

J. Jelly Doughnut

K. King Cake

L. Lemon Merange Pie for my mom and David

M. Mouse

N. Napoleans

O. Oatmeal Cookies with or with David says no, nuts.

N. Napolian

P. Pecan Pie for my daughter Suzane and David.

Q. Okay can you help me out her her her her her her?

R. Red Velvet Cake

S. Snack Cake

T. Tea Cake

U. Upside Down Cake

V. Vanilla Cream Pie

W. Watermelon Ice Cream

X. I need help…

Y. Yellow Cake

Z. Zebra Cake

Do you have a Recipe that goes with one of the Letters you would like shared? If so leave me a comment and I will link to your recipe.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates