Animal Life Cycles

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie studying Life Cycles this week. I am preparing Unit Studies and Lesson plans which will allow us to learn about Animal Life Cycles.

The creators of the award-winning An Egg Is Quiet and A Seed Is Sleepy have teamed up again to create this gorgeous and informative introduction to the world of butterflies. From iridescent blue swallowtails and brilliant orange monarchs to the worlds tiniest butterfly (Western Pygmy Blue) and the largest (Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing), an incredible variety of butterflies are celebrated here in all of their beauty and wonder. Perfect for a child’s bedroom bookshelf or for a classroom reading circle!

“We’ll have to move,” says Mother, after realizing the pond is too small.  But moving a family of 999 young frogs is fraught with danger! Hungry snakes are crawling through the grass. Hungry hawks are flying through the sky. A young frog makes a mighty tasty morsel.  

Never underestimate the quick wits of 999 young frogs!

Congratulations, marsupial parents-to-be! You’re about to meet your tiny bundles of joy. They’re called joeys. Some are as small as a grain of rice when they’re born! Read this book to find out how many babies to expect, how to help them find your pouch, and what those little joeys will do in there all day long. Whether you’re a possum or an opossum, a kangaroo or a wallaby, a koala or even a shrieking Tasmanian devil, you’ll find answers to all your parenting questions here.

From the time the little penguin crawls out of his cracked egg, cradled on his father s feet, until the day when he goes off to live at sea alone, he is a majestic figure in an extraordinary setting the emperor of Antarctica. He faces natural predators and the struggles of survival in a challenging climate. Then one day, he cradles his own little penguin on his feet. Jonathan London s moving text is perfectly matched with Julie Olson s vibrant and adorable artwork in pencil, watercolor, and digital media.

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Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates