Free Topics of the Week December 15 – 22

The Mommies Reviews
Kids Discover

Free Topics of the Week
December 15 – 22

How Glaciers Form

How Glaciers Form
Glaciers form when snow doesn’t melt away completely during the summer months. Each winter, new snow falls on top of the old snow.

Galactic Myths and Legends

Galactic Myths and Legends
Looking at the stars and “seeing” a great bear or a mighty hunter has sparked people’s imaginations all through history.

Camouflage and Mimicry

Camouflage and Mimicry
Why would an animal want to look like a leaf or a twig? To stay alive! Birds, lizards, monkeys, and even snakes can chow down on a grasshopper or caterpillar. But insects that can blend in with the background have an edge that helps keep them alive.

Annie Smith Peck on Top of the World

Annie Smith Peck on Top of the World
Most explorers have been men. However, in the nineteenth century, some women began to set out to explore the world for themselves.

The Heart and Other Involuntary Muscles

The Heart and Other Involuntary Muscles
You inhale about 25,000 times a day, and you swallow dozens of times in a single meal. Your heart beats between 60 and 100 times a minute, even when you aren’t doing much.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates