Mommy’s Quick Guide To Interior Design

So you’ve seen the latest and hottest trends in home interior – and you likely want to pull off the same trendy interior design to your home. Thing is, you might not necessarily have the time and the budget to apply any of those styles to your home. Plus, with expenses, bills, and a family to manage, is it really that realistic for mommies to handle a bit of home renovation? Thing is, you can actually pull something like this off. All you need is a bit of research, planning, and proper execution. Here are some tips you can apply to your interior design:

Grab a theme you want to use for your home. A lot of people have a hard time with interior design because they might not have a solid idea on what they want to pull off. If you’re having the same conundrum, trying to decide on a “theme” first – this can be an actual style, or a “feeling,” or a “mood” you want to replicate. That way, you can have a much easier time looking for references in terms of furniture and accessories and other add-ons to your home.

Try to look at trends online, magazines, or even other homes and see what their “deciding” themes were. Do you want a more traditional and formal house? Do you want a more modern home? Maybe you’re looking for a tropical paradise, or a more Gothic approach?

If you can’t decide on a style, try to go and visit houses for sale, or try to remember houses and establishments you’ve liked – especially in terms of interior design. Try to take note of what elements grabbed your interest, and whether you can apply these – whether these are furniture, accessories, and other decorations.

If you’re having a hard time choosing a style, try to pick a “mood” instead. Try to look at your wardrobe and see what sort of “style” you do. Are you chic, or traditional, or even smart casual when it comes to clothes? You’ll likely notice style “quirks” you have with your wardrobe, and you can apply the same thing to your home.

Study the space you want to use. When we talk of “using space effectively,” it’s not always just the space you “occupy,” but rather the space you also don’t “want to use.” That’s because the placement of elements – from the actual background to the furniture and accessories – can be impacted by how you want to use the space you have. This means if you want to have your home to have a better impact to your family and visitors, you need to use your space well.

If you’re working with small spaces, considering focusing on lighting and light colors. Lighter colors give the illusion of space, a lot of natural light can make your  space seem much larger. You can improve on this detail further by adding large mirrors or windows to help light travel around the room. If you’re working with larger spaces, consider using darker colors to constrict the space you’re using.

Likewise, consider the overall placement of elements in your home. It helps to look at the visual “balance” of elements in your home when decorating. Is there enough room to walk around the room with your furniture and accessories? Consider “aiding” visitors by having a “walking path” they can use with the placement of objects around your space.

Go natural to add a spice of life to your home. Regardless of your theme or style for your home space, try to add a bit of natural element to your interior design. This gives a lot more depth and texture to your space, regardless of your design approach. Modern homes with angular and neutral designs could use a bit of “free flowing” design with nature-themed accessories. Meanwhile, traditional and classic homes would benefit from the refreshing addition of wood and greens and browns, as they add a natural “in the moment” vibe.

Try adding more browns and greens to the color of your home. These can be in the form of paints, highlights, textures, and even wallpapers. Adding these, even to just a wall, can serve as a fresh look from neutral colors and other “monotone” parts of your home.

Natural elements such as wood, plants, and animals can really give your home a more lively mood, literally. Succulents can be a great addition to interior space, and even fake plants can give your eyes a “break” from your overall house design. Wooden furniture can also add a unique “pizzazz” to your home space.

Get personal and creative with your design. Finally, when it comes to interior design, don’t hesitate to actually get creative and personal with your take on interior design. The overall “theme” you’re going to use will just be a good reference for the general “visual” you want to pull off. However, you should try as much as possible to get personal with your take of your design to add flair and life to your home space.

Don’t hesitate to add photographs or even artworks you and your loved ones have made to your new home. This not only adds a bit of creativity to your home, but also tell “stories” about your home at large. A lot of houses might have the same theme, but not the personal accessories there.

Aside from your photographs and artworks, you can add items of sentimental value as highlights of rooms at home. You can add these as centerpieces of kitchens and cupboards, coffee tables, or even shelves in your rooms. Regardless of your theme,  these personal items can add a bit of flair and personal flair to your home.

Integrate elements in your personal life there as well. If you have a workstation with a computer, try to make sure there’s a space available for this as well. And if you need parts of your home in order to do certain personal or work tasks, such as accessing your work information as Michael store employees, then you should account for these in your interior design.

Interior Design For Moms: Pay Attention To Planning, Execution

With the above tips in mind, you have to remember that actually pulling off your dream interior design for your home won’t have to deplete your savings and cost you a lot of your time. Most of the time, you can pull off amazing interior design with good planning, scheduling, and a ton of research. With the above points, it’s important to remember that a lot of successful interior designs rely on the placement of furniture and accessories, and how everything fits together from the point of view of both the residents and visitors you want to come to your home.