Decorating our home

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie, David and I like to collect cars from Hot Wheels and also from our favorite movies. Suzzane had a collection of cars from Fast and the Furious that became mine when she passed away.

At the moment they cars are stuck in a cabinet and no, one can even see these cars. I’ve decided when were redoing our Master Bedroom and turning it into a Game Room one of the walls will be a Car wall.

We have decided we will use License plates to decorate the wall with. When we went to dinner the other night Charlie found these license plates and wanted to bring them home to hang on our walls.

Charlie picked out I’m Sexy because it is from a song a Wrestler Charlie likes used. I said we could hang up a license plate that says I’m Sexy because Suzzane and David used to sing this song when they was little and having this license plate would be like having a piece of them with us at all times.

The second license plate Charlie turned out was a license plate that says Rednec and Charlie chose this license plate because David is a Redneck and if I am not careful Charlie might turn into a Rednec as well because Charlie wants to be just like his dad.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates