Ultimate Blog Challenge July, 2019 Day #5

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to the Ultimate Blog Challenge July, 2019 Day #5. Finally, I am on the right day. As I was working this morning I was able to interview a Author for the first time in a long time. I really enjoyed talking to them and learning from her. I will be sharing the article in a bit.

In the meantime she reminded me to take time each day to do something for myself which I haven’t been doing. It’s time I quit stressing and let God take over.

Either I grow or I don’t but there is more to life than stressing over Blogging. It’s Summer and I need to spend more time with Charlie which I haven’t been doing.

I also need to spend more time helping the bloggers I am training and less time on my site. This weekend I was able to make quite a few new contacts and I need to find time to meet them and help them be seen.

Putting others first always means I will grow through helping other’s and if not that is fine as well because it wasn’t the Lord’s will. Last night during the Fireworks show and sitting with David I was reminded how much he does for me and how much me loves me.

I would like to let you know this morning’s prompt reminded me visitors are coming to my website to learn from you. So, teach them something! Instead of teaching you something I would like to ask you something.

Can you help me come up with a “A step by step guide to build multiple blogs” and can you outline the most important things I should do each day and why

Can you help me compile a list of steps to help manage daily tasks at work. Do you use a Calendar or Planner? Or these online or ones you write in daily?

I would like to remind you to share your Day 5 post first on your own website, and then head over to the Facebook group and share the URL of your post with the group. Then leave me a comment with your link to your post so I can visit your site.

If yourtweeting, use the #blogboost to let folks know your part of the community!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates

3 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge July, 2019 Day #5

  1. Hi Glenda,
    It takes me all day to get a blog post done when I put it as the second highest priority of the day.
    The highest seems to be whatever anyone else wants me to do to help them out with the urgency of their day.
    It has taken me a long time to learn that success comes from focusing on one or two things at most.
    ” Consider the postage stamp: its usefulness consists
    in the ability to stick to one thing till it gets there.” – Josh Billings
    Blog on.

  2. I am a new blogger. Been at it only a matter of months. Very few followers. It is so nice that you want help to bloggers. I signed up for the mailing list. Can’t wait to get my first mail from you.

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